just a post on life pictures pop culture

I’m Searching for a River…

My dear friend VerNonica Dorothy Penny Andersen would instantly know what I’m talking about. But having seen the name I just typed for her, she would also instantly dropkick me to the ground too. So yes, the “I’m Searching for a River” story. It’s an oldie from my high school days. Back in those golden […]

just a post pictures

Empire State Building, y’all

I’ve resumed my exploration of NYC again, now that the hordes of rampaging tourists have gone back to their barbarian settlements. 😉 Not a moment too soon, I tell you. It was close there. Like I mentioned in my last post, the throngs of people there on that Friday before New Years was ridiculous. Re-DONK-ulous, […]

just a post on life pictures

Greatest Hits 2007-style

I did this last year and it’s kind of fun to reminisce and really think about what happened in my life this past year. ESPECIALLY this year. I guess before I begin – and this may be a long post, so you have been warned, I’ll post my holiday pictures up from my trip back […]

just a post pictures

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yep, it’s my Dad’s birthday today! I tried calling but I think he went to sleep early!!! Alright, here I am and I am back for a little bit. It has been crazy at work and then this past weekend, well, I wasn’t what you would call busy…at all. So I really didn’t have anything […]

just a post

Cue From Jenny

This YouTube video made me laugh out loud (that would be LOL for you newbies to the ‘Internet’). And if you want to really laugh, go check out Jenny’s site where she has put some HEEElarious videos up, including the first time she got drunk. She still acts like that, by the way. Seriously. Anyways, […]