pop culture

A Quiet Place and Not So Quiet Places

We went and saw A Quiet Place yesterday.   Watch the trailer here: Scary, right?  YES, SCARY. At just about 90 minutes long, A Quiet Place is quite a thrilling movie and is the right length to keep you on the edge of your seat before.  Too much more than that and you’re gonna kill people.  As you […]

geek stuff pop culture

Janelle Monáe’s Fireball Island

I wish, right?  I don’t even know what that would be like, but I know I’d LOVE IT.   I figured I’d write a post now because: I moved my site to another hosting company I love these two things I mentioned in the title and so a post had to happen First, I moved off […]


Making Progress!

Wow, where did February go?  Well, when last I checked in here, Fran and Joel were out here and that visit was indeed a lot of fun!  I do have pictures from it too, but I think I’m going to parcel those out over the upcoming week as I do intend to get back into […]

pictures pop culture

Fran & Joel Back Out + Other Stuff

I’m just wanting to get a post out with some assorted pictures and neat stuff I’d noticed before the weekend begins in earnest, as I’m sure it’ll be fun to recount the stuff from Fran & Joel’s visit out.  But first, we had dinner with them last night: They flew in from Phoenix yesterday after […]

just a post

Kinda sick?

Breaking news alert – I’ve got a scratchy and slightly phlegmy throat and it’s the end of the world.  Alright, it’s not really and I hope I’m close to being better soon.  Larry has had a cough for like the last 4 weeks and I think it’s finally going away too.  NOW THAT YOU’RE ALL […]