just a post

Cooking For Myself

I was this close to making this a new entry in my “Larry Loved” series of posts, but I don’t have the energy to do that just yet, as honestly, a huge part of who he was was cooking, and to try to just throw a little post about me having a good cooking night […]

just a post on life pop culture

A Nice Weekend

I’ve discovered I can start crying at the drop of a hat.  Okay, to be more specific, grieving for me can be “okay one minute – absolutely crestfallen the next.”  It’s obviously what grief is in terms of a definition, but it just can take a lot out of you.  This morning, I woke up […]

geek stuff

Larry Visited the Picard Set

I had sent one of the pictures that Larry took of himself while at the Picard set when I reached out to the TNC podcast guys, but there were more that he took.  It was a nice day in August when his friend Greg brought up that he could take Larry to go visit the […]

just a post on life

Xanadu Dreams

A week or so ago, I had a really vivid dream with Larry in it.  We were on a porch of some cabin-like building, sitting on the steps leading to it.  We were deep in conversation with Olivia Newton John, who was delighted with us and we were delighted with her.   The subject of her […]

geek stuff on life

Larry Loved: The Next Conversation Podcast

If you knew Larry, you knew he was a giant fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation.   He loved Star Trek in general, including the movies and The Original Series, but TNG was his jam.  You’ll see on our Netflix that he’d pretty much watched every episode multiple times, and those that don’t have a complete red progress […]