geek stuff pop culture

E3 2013

I couldn’t let this travesty stand – I realized while writing my E3 2015 post that all my other E3s had been formally documented on my site but because 2013 was one of my slacker years, it got skipped.  The pics are on my Picasa site but we have to have it here too. This […]

BookLOG geek stuff pop culture

Monday Mind-dump

I’ve been lax on posting for no real reason.  It’s almost too easy for me to do, but then I don’t.  Here’s why: Tropico 4: In some respects, it’s a good thing Larry is back in NYC, as I wouldn’t have been very communicative as if I play video games on my PC, 9 times […]

geek stuff just a post on life

Effin’ Folgers Commercial Gets Me Every Time

Maybe I’ve become a weepy little bitch in my old age of 35 (egads, just typing that makes me a weepy little bitch), but I swear, EVERY TIME I see this recent Folgers coffee commercial where hunky brother comes home and the parents stayed up all night to wait for his arrival but he shows […]

geek stuff pop culture


ZOMG, they’ve released the first trailer to the Hunger Games movie!!!!!   So much excitement about this movie now that I’ve seen the trailer and the fact that it doesn’t look like shite.  Yes, I spelled shite, with an e.  Because this adaptation of the PHENOMENAL book by Suzanne Collins had so much potential to […]

geek stuff just a post pictures pop culture

11-11-11, Sciatica & Mykonos (2011 Trip) Pics!

It’s a weird-looking date hence there’s all sorts of things that wanted to have this as a momentous date, incidentally for some and totally intentional for others. Incidentally? It’s Veteran’s Day (yay soldiers and airmen and seamen and marines!) and it’s all-the-way-up-to-volume-11 Spinal Tap day too.  Intentionally?  Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The HP7 Pt2 Blu-Ray, […]