geek stuff pop culture

Awesome Big Brother 16 Comic Book Covers

Holy crap, these are awesome!  Apparently these will be part of tonight’s Power of Veto competition…. Big Brother comic book covers = awesome. #BB16 — Dalton Ross (@DaltonRoss) August 6, 2014 The link above takes you to Entertainment Weekly’s site, which is who brought these out for our consumption, but I of course am […]

geek stuff pictures

Reid Wiseman up in Space

Getting to live up in the International Space Station is something that sounds really cool, but I think the reality of it would grow tiresome after the first few days.  Plus, have you SEEN the movie Gravity?  I imagine once you’ve spun around the world so many times, the majesty of Earth probably can somehow […]

geek stuff pop culture

A Sunday Catch-Up

Just going to get some stuff down – of course I write this thinking it’ll be brief, but you know me. New Toy Alert!  I bought a Nintendo Wii U last weekend because this year’s E3 kinda convinced me to, so why not?  I’m excited for a lot of stuff in the future, but there’s […]

geek stuff

Return to Rise of Nations

The best RTS of its type has returned!  Yes, I speak of Rise of Nations.  No, not Age of Empires II which while great, is just not my favorite.  Rise of Nations is a compelling blend of RISK/Civilization world domination mixed with RTS gameplay so you get a blend of strategic and tactical gaming.  Beyond […]

geek stuff pictures pop culture

This Year’s E3!

I got to go a 3rd time to the Electronic Entertainment Expo thanks to some awesome rules pertaining to who can go, and yay, working for NBC allows you to go!   It’s an amazing event, especially if you like video games, which duh? in my case.  I had read a lot of the stories coming […]