just a post on life pop culture

2016: The Highs & The Other Stuff

Larry asked me yesterday what my favorite movie of the year was, which led me to thinking about other highlights, and of course, lowlights, throughout the year.  So, with no particular order in mind: Favorite Movie:                   La La Land, by a lot. Other Notables: Arrival Star […]

on life pop culture

I Talked About Jeopardy – and How You Can Too!

First Step:  Get on Jeopardy!  EASY.  Click here for those easy steps!  🙂  (Spoiler alert, that’s just all my posts related to Jeopardy – but perhaps you’ll get something out of it?) Second Step:  …. Third Step:  Profit!  errr….I mean, talk about your experience with other former contestants! I was graciously invited to participate in […]

just a post on life pop culture

Post-Jeopardy Thoughts, From 3 Months Ago

Now that the results are out there, I can finally discuss what the thoughts were that were going through my head right after filming as well as a few days after that, once I got my head back on straight.  It was a tough thing to not win on Jeopardy, and to fall into second-guessing […]

just a post on life pictures

40 it is, then

Well, shit, here it is, and I am now 40 years old.  Do I feel 40?  Not really.  I still feel good (knock on wood), I’m generally happy with life, and all things considered, it’s kind of great to have the wisdom that comes with having lived those 40 years.  Do I dread the aches and […]

just a post on life

Goodbye, Thirties!

Tomorrow’s the big Four Oh and I guess I’m not feeling too melodramatic about it, but not exactly excited about it either.  It IS 40, after all.  But Larry has survived, so I guess I can too. But seriously….HOW AM I TURNING 40 TOMORROW????