just a post on life

Last “Single” Tuesday

Is it worth writing stupid things like that?  Possibly.  I haven’t been single since May 2008, to be honest.  And Larry & I have lived together since October 2010 when he moved in with me shortly before we moved to Los Angeles. It’s funny to be spending so much money on what is basically a […]

just a post on life

Sneak Preview!

Not really, but we did spend a fantastic day yesterday with Nicki and Rekha as we started putting together the chuppah for our wedding…and it was a lot of fun and included a viewing of Beyonce’s new album, Lemonade.  It’s crazy to realize that the wedding is happening in 6 days!!!! And that’s kind of not […]

on life pop culture

9 Days To Go; RIP Prince

Larry texts me this morning that Prince dies and the day gets derailed.  I had heard that last week he’d had to have an emergency landing in his private jet due to medical reasons…but man, a week later and he’s dead?  2016 has been a royal fucker of a year with regards to icons dying.  First […]

geek stuff just a post on life

Space, Man…Like, Woah

Watching these videos I’m linking here create that kind of nausea in the pit of your stomach you feel when you realize that there’s just so Much SPACE out there and all our problems and cares don’t amount to a hill of beans in the grand epic scheme of things.  These videos are just stunning […]

on life pictures

A PwC Wedding Shower!

My swell friends and coworkers at PwC really took care of me today at work, throwing me a great set of events today.  First, we all went for lunch at Phillipe’s, the wonderful home of the French Dip sandwich.  I’m definitely a fan, as I’ve noted plenty of times before.  I think others who had […]