pop culture

A Judy & Liza Day

Watched Wizard of Oz 3D and Cabaret this afternoon with mom – it was a great way to spend a day!

pop culture

Night of Bricks

A movie midweek? Preposterous! But it’s The Lego Movie, so hells yeah!

pop culture


Nebraska is a movie I didn’t know I had to see until I’d seen it.  Nothing about the movie screams “Awesome!” or “So Amazing” and hell, it’s in black and white!  But when a film gets nominated for quite a few Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, Cinematography, and […]

pop culture

Dallas Buyers Club

We are on a kick to catch up on the Oscar-nominated movies for this year, so Nicki has started setting up some weeknight adventures to see them!  Last night was our chance to go see Dallas Buyers Club, the movie starring Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto, both playing roles in which they’re barely recognizable. First […]

on life pictures pop culture

Fiddler on the Roof!

As a practicing non-Jew, I frequently find myself aware that I think I am pretty much as close to being Jewish myself as possible, without having been born into it.  If I were to say what my “type” is, I’d definitely have to say Jewish (or Italian), and if you see who I’m most attracted […]