just a post on life

A New Year Begins

Happy New Year, right?   It’s obvious this is the end stretch.  Larry is barely coherent, and when he is awake (which is when we get him up to go to the bathroom or for meals), he gets frustrated at the fact that he can’t be independent.  So it’s good I guess that he does feel those emotions, and […]

just a post on life

A Decade Ends

The end of this fucking year and decade.  The decade itself was probably my personal best decade ever as I spent it living with and loving Larry, the one I always dreamed of having in my life.   But it also is the decade in which I was on the path of losing him.  2020 may be when he […]

on life

Coming Home

Larry came home from the ICU. It wasn’t until early afternoon, so we were able to spend the morning in the room with him (Alyssa, me, Fran).  Michancy left today, but she didn’t come in with us as her flight was in the morning.   She had had a chance to say goodbye to Larry the […]

just a post on life

Regaining Lucidity on Christmas

Larry was still in the ICU today.  We also learned he’d stay in it another night, with the plan to get him discharged from the hospital on Thursday around 1pm.  Larry continued to improve and today, on Christmas (Merry Fucking Christmas), he was very aware and with it. Obviously still tired as hell but much more our boy.  We […]

on life

The Battle is Over

We came back to the hospital in the morning, bringing Michancy with us this time.  She had ended up staying home on Monday (day drinking, eating, Netflix watching).  When we got there, Larry’s levels were improving but it was still a struggle. He had a bit more lucidness but there was still a lot of confusion.  Mila and […]