just a post pop culture

Apocalyptic Weekend (MM)

Independence Day?  Check.  Day After Tomorrow?  Check.  Deep Impact or Armageddon?  Sign me up.  Godzilla or 10,000 BC?  Uh, no.  But 2012?  Oh, hells yes.  I love when there is disaster on screen and when it is this epic and fantastic to behold, I am powerless to resist.  Roland Emmerich, who is responsible for ID4 […]

just a post pop culture

Temple of Doom was PG!?!

I just rewatched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom tonight and my God, that movie is ridiculously violent and horrific. And the funniest part? A big giant PG rating at the beginning. I have read before that the Temple of Doom was the straw that broke the camel’s back though, and after it came […]

just a post on life pictures pop culture

I’m Searching for a River…

My dear friend VerNonica Dorothy Penny Andersen would instantly know what I’m talking about. But having seen the name I just typed for her, she would also instantly dropkick me to the ground too. So yes, the “I’m Searching for a River” story. It’s an oldie from my high school days. Back in those golden […]

just a post on life

Panic Attack

(No more countdown…weird) So I woke up this morning completely stressed about all the stuff I have to do in the next 3 weeks. COMPLETELY stressed. It’s kind of hard to go back to sleep once you realize you’ve committed yourself (I guess I could end the sentence there…but I won’t) to upheaving your life […]