just a post on life

Hoblites: 3 Aug 2012 Edition

Sometimes there is just a need to talk about random stuff but it doesn’t warrant a title all on its own, you know?  I’ve been overwhelming the site with Big Brother updates and I admit, they’re a blast to write.  It satisfies a “fix” to write about a specific topic and is also a challenge […]

just a post

A Mild, January Day (MM)

This morning, Larry & I woke up and it was warm.  WARM.  WT Fuck?  Just a few weeks ago – it was freakin’ cold.  And this morning, I wake up and it’s warm?  Sure enough, today was a nice day where the temperature was near the 50s.  It was so mild, the run we went […]

just a post pop culture

Apocalyptic Weekend (MM)

Independence Day?  Check.  Day After Tomorrow?  Check.  Deep Impact or Armageddon?  Sign me up.  Godzilla or 10,000 BC?  Uh, no.  But 2012?  Oh, hells yes.  I love when there is disaster on screen and when it is this epic and fantastic to behold, I am powerless to resist.  Roland Emmerich, who is responsible for ID4 […]

just a post

Cupcakes Across the Street (MM)

It’s not a safe thing to find out you have a Magnolia Bakery-esque cupcake joint right across the street from where you live.  If you know of or have heard of Magnolia Bakery – they are a popular cupcake bakery that makes sinfully delicious cupcakes.  Well, there’s a place literally ACROSS the street from me […]