just a post pictures

Suck, Suckity, Suck Suck Suck (T-190)

I had one of those afternoons that kept on giving. Yeah, definitely not one of those afternoons you wake up in the morning hoping to have. I had been at meetings all morning at Peterson AFB and came up to Cheyenne Mountain afterwards to work on a decoration package – something that wouldn’t take all […]

just a post on life

Chuckling at Circumstances (T-200)

Reading one’s own thoughts/rants from a few years ago can be awfully entertaining. I was looking at my uber-Rant from Nellis AFB in 2004. If any of you remember, it was the one I actually went to the trouble of password-protecting because I just went OFF. And when I first started to read it, I […]

just a post pictures

Who’s Going to London? (T-201)

That would be ME! Indeed, I’ll be returning to my favorite European city at the end of March. And I couldn’t be happier about it, let me tell you! You know, I’ve been meaning to get back to the website for a while (sounds familiar, I know…) but frankly the past few weeks haven’t been […]

just a post

Headed to SnoFest (T-219)

6 weekends -> 6 snowstorms. That’s gotta be a record. Literally, every weekend we get snow – it’s nowhere near as heavy as it was the first two weekends, but without fail, we’ll get a few inches of snow each weekend. Meanwhile, the entire rest of the week is usually sunny and clear, although frickin’ […]

just a post on life

Reflections on my 2006 (T-243)

I guess I can call this Hobie’s “Best-of and Worst-of 2006 List”. That would definitely imply I remember a whole lot of what happened in 2006. I do remember a lot of stuff, especially recent things, but I will try my best to get a good representative sampling of what happened throughout the year – […]