just a post pictures

Some Pictures to Start Off Our March

Well, this was an interesting start to March!  Super Tuesday and all that that entails (eyerolls and ugh aplenty), but we also had our walkthrough at the Oviatt and it was great.  I finally got to meet our wedding coordinator, Marie, in person, as Larry knows her from work, and she was amazing and lovely.  […]

just a post pop culture

Goodbye, Leap-Year February!

It wasn’t all that terrible of a month, but I think I wasn’t all that compelled to write about it in this here blog, that’s for sure.  Larry & I did get some wedding planning progress made though, and that has gone a long way towards hopefully making April 30 go off without a hitch.  […]

just a post

Invites Are On Their Way!

Larry’s hard work in designing our wedding invitations has yielded great results – and today we stuffed the envelopes and dropped the invites off at the post office!  Look out world!

on life

100 Days!

Well, well – looky here.  We’re 100 days out, according to!  As I mentioned the other day, I’m not feeling too crazy about where we are in terms of wedding preparations.  Sure, there’s tons more money to spend.  A hell of a lot of details to finalize.  But the major components are in place. […]

just a post pictures pop culture

Food Seems to Be Set!

The wedding planning continues on and on….and happily, Larry & I are actually on top of it so far.  KNOCK ON WOOD.  We’ve got the major components lined up and ready; things such as officiant, venue, food, photographer, DJ….all set.  All the little details?  Not yet, but the pieces are there and we still have […]