just a post

Reflections…? Nah, Not Yet. (MM)

So there’s a part of me that has all these ideas of end-of-the-decade Hobie favorites.  Favorite songs, favorite movies, favorite TV shows….and of course, maybe a favorite or memorable cast of characters and memories from this crazy-ass decade.  And I realize, that’ll take a long time and lots of pictures.  I’ve got all of these […]

geek stuff just a post pictures

Transition Trouble (MM)

So my website has been having transition issues.  I finally broke away from and now my site is hosted by Apple/MobileMe.  But there’s a lot of work to make all the magic happen.  I had to transfer the whole ‘’ idea from one overlord to another, and they take their sweet-ass time releasing it […]

on life

I’m a Writerrr…. (MM)

I am good at writing.  I write good.  I be able to put words together and stuff.  Well.  Blargh!!!  (those don’t look like exclamation points, do they?)  Writing is what I really like to do.  I haven’t tried my hand at fiction as I don’t know if my imagination is my best asset when it […]

just a post

A Too-Quick of a Weekend (MM)

I’m looking at the end of another weekend and wondering, like the rest of the world, where did the time go?  I incurred a huge “sleep debt” this past week and was thus sleeping in a lot this weekend.  It was nice.  You’d think that perhaps maybe I’d just go to sleep on time, but […]

just a post pop culture

Mickity and the Bar Exam (MM)

So I don’t really know much more than the fact that Mickity passed her bar exam – and to that, I say “Hells Motherfucking YEAH!”  There’s really no other way to put it.  I am doubtful Hallmark makes a card to state this as it needed to be stated.  So good on ya, Mickity, and […]