Sigh. Those 8 years just flew by, didn’t they? For those that hated Obama, these are happy days indeed with today being Obama’s last full day as President. I can’t share any outlook (as most of my family on pretty much all sides does) on tomorrow and the next four years that is positive, as come […]
Tag: barack obama
Man oh man, each day we tick towards the 19th, it’s just like a giant UGH, especially when reminded of what we’re about to lose. Joe Biden is awesome, I love his emotional style and his DGAF (in a good, useful way) attitude, and I love all of what the video shows. The memes about […]
I’m excited that the museum that George Lucas is going to build, the Museum of Narrative Art, is coming here to Los Angeles! Of course it’ll be a great place to see some Star Wars stuff, but it’ll also have plenty more there too. And suck it, San Francisco! In sobering and fairly sad news, […]
A Truly Amazing Day
…and I’m in Dallas for some anti-money laundering training for the WEEKEND never thinking how huge a day June 26, 2015 was going to be. Â Fuck. Â What I wouldn’t give to be back home today and celebrate this amazing day with Larry, my family, my friends…. Of course, first, we had the sensational […]
Last night’s State of the Union from President Obama was a really good recap of all the things that have been accomplished while also laying out hopes for what can be accomplished in the near future, including trying to get past the massive amounts of gridlock and over-politicking (not a word, I know), but dammmmmnnnn, […]