on life

It’s Been a Year

It’s been a year since Harv died.  It’s hard to really deal with that fact and how quickly time moves on.  We went over to Mom’s yesterday and overnight, along with Stacie, to just spend time together.  Played a lot of Wii U and drank a lot of good red wine as well.  I think […]

on life pictures

Let’s Catch Up, Shall We? Pt. 1

Big Brother posts and other assorted events have led to me scarcely posting like I typically do, with pictures and witty observations and that trademark wit – I know it’s been a tough dry spell to have to endure, but let’s do our best and soldier through the MANY albums of stuff that need display.  […]

on life

Thoughts on my StaircaseDad

As you may or may not know by now, my stepdad Harv died this past Friday, June 28, 2013.  This post is by no means a eulogy for Harv, but it certainly illustrates what is currently going on in my head as I make heads or tails of it. I am still in shock at […]