just a post on life pop culture

Well, Hello April!

I took March 2010 off to focus on personal matters.  HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Nah, I was just lazy and it wasn’t too filled with exciting adventures and stories.  The Winter Olympics obviously went well and now work is getting “interesting,” in that I’ve told them I plan to leave NYC at the end of the year.  They […]

just a post pop culture


Okay, so here it is, almost no longer the middle of November.  Uh, why is my birthday almost a vague memory????? It probably has to do with a crappy last week.  Fortunately, this week has been a lot better.  I’m actually not ultra miserable at work.  Yay for that!  I’ve also been able to see […]

just a post

Morning at the gym

I have made a life change – I am working out in the mornings again.  I will admit that one day does not a habit make, but it’s a start.  I finally had to admit to myself that my workout habits have been broken due to the fact that at work, I typically end up […]


Couldn’t resist

I had to re-post a comment I saw on the Huffington Post – of course I’m sure others will think this is all liberal spin… whatevs.  Prove it wrong. For those of you trying to keep up at home:$1.6 trillion tax cut = OK$1 trillion+ spent in Iraq = OKAnnual $500 billion deficits = OKNear-Doubling […]

just a post pop culture

Movin’ on up (movin on up!) to the Upper West Side!

Where the hell have I been?  Gosh, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  Sorry ’bout that, y’all! What’s the crazy exciting news going on right now, you ask?  I am moving to NEW YORK CITY!  I know, I know, didn’t I do that  over a year ago?  Kinda.  But I was still across the river in Jersey.  Close, […]