just a post on life pictures

8 Boxes of Memory Lane

I haven’t stopped the Marie Kondo-ing of my life, but certainly with my PwC beginnings it has slowed down a bit.  Just a bit though.  Honestly, the Saturdays I’ve been home these past three weeks have been pretty damn productive, although some/most of that productivity is working towards our upcoming move and doing what we […]

just a post on life

Ready to Start

Start what?  Obviously not my Amazing Race recaps, but even with all the upcoming craziness of a new job and a new home, I will do my best to get those taken care of!  I guess what I am actually referring to is that it’s time to start up whatever this next chapter will be!  I […]

just a post pictures

Thinning the Clothes Herd

We’ve had kind of an eventful week around here in the Larry-Hobie Household.  On Monday, we went to Glendale and got a couple of tours at apartment complexes there.  The first one we went to was pretty decent but we weren’t actually able to get a tour of an open unit (I don’t understand why […]