#8. Romy & Michele's High School Reunion

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Romy & Michele's High School Reunion (1997)

A Touchstone Picture
Directed by: David Mirkin
Starring: Lisa Kudrow (Michele), Mira Sorvino (Romy), Janeane Garofalo (Heather Mooney)
Running Time: 1 hour, 32 minutes
MPAA Rating: R

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DVD Technical Specs:
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 NON-Anamorphic Widescreen
Audio Options: English Dolby 5.1 Surround, French Surround

Production Featurette
Theatrical Trailer

A movie that definitely doesn't get any respect and thus doesn't get a special-treatment DVD. In fact, it's sad, because this version is even NON-anamorphic, meaning it thinks it's a 4:3 version with hard-coded black bars. Sad. An anamorphic release would be nice!

Lowdown: Freakin' hilarious. My absolute favorite college movie. Hilarious. Rent it and then buy it!

I invented Post-Its

In the spring of 1997, Hollywood was getting into fullswing 'competitive' movie mode. It was a year to go until the competing asteroid movies or the competing Mars movies, and we'd already had the competing volcano movies. So now it was time for the competing High School Reunion movies. Because at the same time that Romy & Michele came out, Grosse Pointe Blank came out as well, another high school reunion movie that starred John Cusack. Can these movies really be compared though? Yes - both are 10 year reunion movies that had great 80s soundtracks..... but that is about the extent of it, as GPB was a much more dramatic/comedic movie and R&M was far more comedic and fanciful. Knowing this, it is easy to appreciate both. And while I didn't see Grosse Pointe Blank until it was out on video, I saw Romy & Michele's High School Reunion at least 4 times in the movie theatre. No lie. I'm sick. But so were my roommates, because we all loved this stupid movie. This definitely ranks as my favorite college-era movie.

So what's it about? Obviously there's a reunion to be attended, but the movie's majority takes place BEFORE the reunion as Romy & Michele reminisce about the past and evaluate and realize that perhaps they have something to prove to those 'A-Listers' who made their lives hell. They then realize that the reunion is worth making their lives better. Well, that doesn't work as expected. And so it becomes time to make stuff up and pretend they're better than they were 10 years ago. And their cover story? They invented post-its. Awesome. They design and sew up a few business suits and they're off to Tucson for the reunion. Or are they? Anyways, they meet up with their rivals, their other classmates, and learn something about themselves in the process... Aaawwwwwhhhhh.

The plot is silly, but there is no denying the hilarity of Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino as Michele and Romy. They are so unbelievably shallow and vain and stupid, but beneath it all, they really are characters you can care about. But damn, if you knew them in person, you'd probably have to wonder 'what the hell?' The supporting cast, primarily Janeane Garofalo, is awesome, and the funny way(s) that everybody turned out 10 years later is just hilarious. And it goes to show that some things never change.

I loved this movie. Most people who give it a chance are entertained as well. It's definitely not rocket science, but it's not Freddy Got Fingered. I was surprised to see it's rated R (I had no idea), yet at it's heart it's a sweet comedy that will grow on you every time you see it.

Scenes to Remember: Dancing at the Club, Romy's confrontation with the A-Listers, Michele's recitation of the formula for glue, The Dance.