photo gallery |
This is not your typical Hobie photoYou may remember me saying that I had purchased some photoshop and digital photography books. Well, I did. And I got ideas. Then I got drunk. And I put the two together! So you now have before you my first endeavor with playing with Photoshop, extended exposure (not me, sickos, although that's probably inevitable....just kidding!), and wine. It's almost like that question on Sgt Jenny's homework: What do you get when you combine a computer speaker, a razor blade and water? Well, now we'll find out! So here is me playing with the macro zoom setting. Ooh....Ahhh...... Well that was just child's play though. Obviously. So now let's move on to my favorite photo subject: wine. Especially Kendall Jackson's Cabernet Sauvignon, in a nice glass I purchased at Target. I love red wine.
So the original shot is on the top left. Then I went buck-wild with Photoshop and played with the different filters. This is only a small representation of what you can do. But clockwise from the original is Notebook, Palette Knife, Chrome, the original again, Plastic Wrap, Stained Glass, and Photocopy. I like my wine glass picture. And now for my time delayed masterpiece!!!!! I was toying with the delayed shutter thing, and all of a sudden I got a picture that looked like this! It was crazy! It was wild! It was completely out of control! And I liked it!!!!
Don't you like it too? So this was my experiment with getting drunk and taking pictures of what got me drunk. Next time, naked girls. Shoot me an email if you have
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