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17 Nov 2008 PHOTOS: A whole lotta catch up |
So there's a veritable plethora of photos to post since October and through to today. Oy. Let's start, shall we? First up are some photos from when Larry & I went to see Madonna at Madison Square Garden. I've written quite a bit about the experience on my livejournal blog here, including the full rundown of the setlist. Needless to say, it was an incredible concert and I can only hope that it is released on DVD soon.
The next set of photos is from when we went down to visit the illustrious Jeff Crepeau in his new residence in the town of Hanover, Maryland. That's about a 3.5 hour drive from where I live so it was very cool to get to visit him. First off, his house is situated on a little reservoir lake so literally his backyard porch has a gorgeous peaceful view. We ended up going to Medieval Times that first evening, which was a blast. The next day, we headed into Washington, D.C. While there, we saw the International Spy Museum (very cool), 5 Guys Burger Joint (basically the food tasted almost exactly like In-N-Out burgers out west, which was AWESOME), the WWII Memorial, the Washington Monument, and finally the Air & Space Museum. There was a lot of walking. Crazily enough at the end of the voyage on the last Green Line metro stop, we were walking to the car and I hear this person call my name. It was Byron Kelly along with Connie and Aidan. He was in town for an inspection and they had come up to visit. Talk about a small world! It was a good trip and I look forward to eventually heading back and/or having Jeff back up.
Then we had a few weeks of low-key activities and then it was off to Las Vegas to celebrate my Mom's 60th Birthday!!!! Of course it was a blast, Larry got to meet my folks (and vice versa), and I got to win (and lose) a lot of money in Blackjack and Craps. It was a good time and a nice vacation. I also was so happy to get to see my Mom and Harv, as well as Aunt Mary and Uncle JC. Good times!! For Mom's birthday dinner, we went to Benihana's, which was fantastic. It's hard to go wrong with that. Other events were going to see the Beatles' LOVE show at the Mirage (these were even more optimal seats to sit in as opposed to the first time I saw it - alone - as this time for the Within You, Without You number, you could see the total surreal moment when the little bed is flying on the ultra-large, arena-filling sheet), checking out the Donny & Marie show at the Flamingo (they put on a very good show and have a great sense of humor and fantastic voices - and they were working it), and of course going to the Rollercoasters all around the city. Oh yeah, also drinking a lot! It was a long and fun time, and here are the pics I took from it!
Flash forward a few days and it was then my birthday! I turned 32. Ugh. But I am being dramatic. It's not really all that bad and I am in a pretty good place, all things considered. Larry & Shelly took me to see Mamma Mia! on Broadway and to Blue Smoke BBQ for dinner on the Sunday before my birthday, which fell on that Monday. Unfortunately Larry had to go to Boston on that day, so I didn't really do anything all that interesting on the day of my birthday, but that was okay. At work, it was a great birthday with cards, cake, and cupcakes. Oh yeah! I didn't take really any pictures of any birthday festivities though. Instead I took pics of Rockefeller Center because it was all decked out as Election Plaza because of course the Presidential Election was taking place the next day. It is a pretty cool thing to see 30 Rock all lit up - check it out for yourself:
And that brings us to today! The Rockefeller Plaza Christmas Tree has been brought in already (it showed up either last Thursday or Friday) and now it's been lifted up and scaffolded. There's lots of workers working on trimming the tree and loading it up with lights. I believe the tree-lighting ceremony isn't until the week after Thanksgiving. At that point, I will need a healthy dose of relaxants as the FTPs will converge right on the Plaza and it makes life here ridiculous. Oy.
That does catch you up on my pics. Oy. That only took like 3 hours....jeez!