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28 September 07 TODAY Fame |
Within one week at work and I'm already on television. Now I know that it's not just because I'm devastatingly handsome or charming, although that obviously helps, but it's mostly due to the fact that I work in the center of NBC operations and it's just inevitable that I'd end up on the star-making side of the cameras. So do you want to hear a story? A story about how I'm back on TV after a nearly 20 year absence???? Well, then, you've come to the right place, my friends! But wait, you ask, what's this business about 20-year-absences?? Well, when Bob Saget was still hosting America's Funniest Home Videos in one of its beginning seasons, I was a member of the studio audience there because my junior high school was doing a fundraising event and one of them was being a studio audience member. Anyways, long story short, I ended up being one of the people they had a closeup of laughing their asses off to a stupid home video. And I wasn't just in a crowd shot - this one was all me. So now flash-forward from 1990 to 2007.....zipzizpzizpzpzpzizpzipzizpzzip (that's the sound of flash forwarding). I head in to work and to finish up my first week at NBC. It was Friday, and things were already going well, as I had noticed that crowds seemed lighter on the commute to work - the ferry wasn't AS crowded, and the NY Transit bus into town wasn't blocked by ridiculous traffic (the UN thing must be over). So I got to work in a very respectable 45 minutes or so and headed on up to the 2nd floor where I can go all by myself now since I have an NBC badge. I head up there to my boss' office and one of the guys from yesterday at Englewood Cliffs was there and he asked if I had seen Bruce Springsteen performing outside. I suddenly remembered that on Friday's the Today show puts on concerts during the warmer months - and I then also remembered that this had been discussed a few days ago too. Just totally forgot. Mike tells me that there was going to be an encore performance though around 9:30 and no sooner had he said that did the crowd start cheering again and the music started blasting. Now get this: while the second floor doesn't have much of a skyscraper view, it does have one ridiculously cool advantage: we can climb out a window onto a balcony-esque area that overlooks the Rockefeller Center plaza area, including the Today show external set, and this is where the Bruce Springsteen concert was set up. So sweet - a free show and amazing seats overlooking the crowd and the band. Even better - while we really couldn't see clearly the band, the Today show had put up a giant jumbotron screen projecting the Today show feed so more people could see it. Anyways, it was awesome to get to see and hear it all, and while this was all going, we noticed a camera crane below us that was filming crowd shots. We were above it, so we could just see that it was pointed down at crowds, who were all too cognizant of where it was pointing and kept screaming everytime it aimed at them, whether it was on or not. Anyways, after the end of his last song, there was just lots of cheering and crowd reaction shots. Then Mike noticed that the crane camera had angled up and pointed at us! Now...this was interesting. Were we going to be on camera? And broadcast? I then started thinking that perhaps the camera angles that way when it's done so I paid not much more attention. Finally, the concert was truly over and then people started clapping like crazy. So did I as well as another person up there of the 5 of us who were still up on the balcony. All of a sudden, Mike tells me - "Look, we're on screen!" and I look over to the jumbotron and NO SHIT, we were on screen!!!! I start waving like a madman. It was a rush, and then we were cut back to Bruce Springsteen. I then thought, well, this probably wasn't aired but then commercials started airing on the jumbotron and it got me to thinking, perhaps this IS airing. Knowing it was too late for me to do anything in my time zone, I quickly thought, my friends in Colorado Springs! But then I couldn't remember any body but the MSG's front office #, so I call Heather and tell her she has to record the Third hour of TODAY. I guess she then passed that news on to others throughout the Mountain, and then the rest of the day happened. Finally tonight, I found out that Jeff Crepeau had recorded it and was just now reviewing it - and sure enough, me and the Balcony crew were on it!!! So he's going to try to figure out how to get it off his DVR and then if the file is decently sized, I'll post it here. So Pete Locke, you told me to be on the TODAY show, and by golly, in my first week here, I did it!!! What a week this has been! In almost boring news (compared to my movie and TV experiences this week), I'm starting to get a better picture of what I'll be doing, or specifically, some of the projects I'm going to be starting out on. It looks like I'll be working on the affiliate relations aspect of things for one...meaning that I am going to be working on making sure that that office (which manages NBC's relations with its over 200 affiliates throughout the country) gets the data it actually wants and needs in a format that is helpful, so I'll be working on databases and systems to make sure that stuff gets done according to their wishes. My second project is then working on helping streamline and improve the Media Library system (Barbara Green, I know you're smiling somewhere in Cheyenne Mountain). Basically, every piece of media, whether it's the commercials, promo spots, graphics/overlays, and the shows themselves, are identified and catalogued. Unfortunately it's not the best organization right now and we're looking into making it a completely digital process (as opposed to getting tapes of the items and then digitizing them). So these are two pretty good projects that I'll be working on while I'm also getting spun up on everything else that goes into putting the feed together and out. One day I WILL be an awesome OnAir Systems guy!!!! Overall, a good week but I'm glad it's over though - it was tiring!!! Okay, before I leave, here are some pics I took on Wednesday from my ferry ride home and then some pictures taken tonight of Manhattan from my shoreline. There really is nothing like seeing Manhattan at night. I can't wait to actually be there soon at night.
And then the pictures from tonight. The first three were taken with my Night Scene mode, and while it's a clearer picture without the use of a tripod, it really doesn't allow much light at you, so the effect is definitely more subdued than what I remember seeing. So i like taking pictures in manual mode but with a high ISO setting and no flash. Unfortunately, I never bring a tripod so my results usually aren't quite the best. But some of the remainder after the first three aren't too bad and they better represent what Manhattan looks and feels like at night from Jersey!
26 September 07 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here |
I had my true first-day of work here, and while it was overwhelming, I'm also totally psyched to be there. I was truly at work today. I went around and saw a ton of the things that I'll eventually become an expert on but have only a bit of knowledge about now. I realized where we fit in the NBC network wheel and basically we're the ones who maintain and manage the system that ensures that NBC's entire broadcast schedule, 24/7, goes on the air without a hitch, from the placement of commercials to show overruns. If the system we take care of breaks, NBC doesn't have a show on the air. Kinda awesome, but also kinda scary. Because if I or the group fucks up, then you'll know about it. But after one day there, it was pretty damn cool. I don't have a true office or a desk yet, but that's hopefully going to be remedied soon. I will be getting a Nextel blackberry though (joy...) so work can reach me at any time.... On the way to work today, I made some friends. Well, they're not really friends, but I talked to people on the bus after getting off the ferry in Manhattan. They were nice, especially Lisa with the Cowboy Hat. She totally had the New York accent going on (I LOVE that - everyone around here has it - I keep developing mine because seriously, the more you're around it, the easier and more likely you are to use it) and was really funny and gave me advice about Manhattan living. She told me about the various transportation routes and other sage advice: don't eat cooked stuff from street vendors; you'll learn the hard way otherwise. We ended up chatting on the bus because traffic was RIDICULOUS slow on 50th Street going east, mainly because of the whole UN thing going on. Eventually walked the rest of the blocks, and even after we parted ways when I started walking down 6th Avenue to enter 30 Rock but via 49th Street, I start hearing my name being shouted out and it's Lisa - she comes down to me and points out to me a quicker door into 30 Rock and sure enough, it worked. Lisa rules. So that was my first true day at work. It was cool. I like my boss. I met a ton of my co-workers, but it was the firehose treatment so I really do not remember names but as time goes on, I'm sure I'll learn who is who. Tomorrow (Thursday) I head up to the Englewood Cliffs facility to visit the CNBC folks there and more of our system facilities. This will be a drive then, and my trusty GPS will guide the way. I get to drive under the George Washington Bridge! Jumping back to Monday - that was my Orientation Day. It didn't start out very good though, except for the actual commute, which turned out to be pretty easy by just walking to Port Imperial ferry from my place, taking the Ferry across the Hudson, then jumping on the free NY Waterway bus down 50th street. I got there about a half hour early (about 8:30am) so I walked over to where the Today show was filming, which is right where I work. Sweet. I got to see a little bit of it, but then it was about 15 minutes till, so I went in to the visitor's counter to check in, but alas, my name wasn't there, nor was Marta Barnes. And for the next 45 minutes, I was calling all the numbers I had and no one was picking up. Turns out the HR people didn't put my name on the visitor's log nor on the Orientation listing, so I was basically crashing this party. Eventually my boss picked up though, and escorted me up. Orientation was cool, and provided a great way to meet others who were just entering the company; it also provided me great warm fuzzies in that I've joined an awesome company in GE. I can see myself being under the GE umbrella for a long time, especially in the entertainment division, as there's so many places to go within NBC Universal. Oh yeah, also got a cool tour around the studios, including the Saturday Night Live and Conan O'Brien studios. Sweet. And to top of this pretty easy day, after Orientation while walking to the bus stop, there was filming going on for the upcoming Sex and the City movie, which was filming a scene at Christie's Auction House, which is right across 49th street from 30 Rock. I ended up seeing Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristen Davis and Cynthia Nixon filming a sidewalk strolling scene right there. It was pretty cool. During the orientation though, I started to stress as I started receiving word that my movers were going to be coming in the morning and then found out that the building I'm in requires you to coordinate your moves with them, reserving certain blocks of time (with the only one available on Tuesday being from 3-6!), insurance paperwork, etc.! WTF? Then I hadn't confirmed my storage unit yet, and every time I called them, the woman who answered kept saying she'd call me back and when she did, my cell phone kept cutting out because T-Mobile coverage sucks deep in the bowels of 30 Rock. As I found out today, Nextel cornered 30 Rock's market by installing repeaters, etc inside the building. So after orientation ended a little early, I made my calls and got the moving thing straightened out. So on Tuesday, I stayed home to prepare for the movers. I first drove down to where the U-Haul Storage facility was in Jersey City. Ugh. It was a nightmarish drive and I started realizing how the hell am I going to tell a truckdriver how to get here? So I drove back up to my neck of the woods and went past it, as Shelly had told me there was a few shopping centers up in the Edgewater area, which is a few miles up from West New York. As I drove up, I saw a few more storage unit places up there and realized that would be a LOT more convenient for me and the movers if it was actually nearby. Then I saw the awesome stuff: a shopping center with a Barnes & Noble, an Old Navy, a Bed Bath & Beyond, a McDs, and get this: a motherfuckin' OUTBACK!!!!! All on the riverfront so it's effin' awesome. This truly is a great stretch of Jersey. After a quick McDs lunch, I went to one of those storage unit places, got a unit there (bit more expensive, but for me, the location is worth it), and cancelled the U-Haul one. And then a few hours later (and quite a few Project Runway reruns later), the movers began to move my stuff, first to the storage unit (I have a LOT of crap still, even after selling a lot of stuff) and finally here, where I finally have all my stuff again! Amazingly, everything JUST fit. Almost perfectly. If the room had been any smaller or bigger, it would have looked weird, but it just works. I'll take pics shortly. So that's about it. My roommate is cool, the job seems pretty awesome (i have a lot yet to learn still but I'm good with that), I have my bed back!!!, and I'm in New York. As the ferry was leaving Manhattan this evening, the sun was setting and I was pretty content. That's when I took the picture on the front page. There's still a lot I want to accomplish, I'd love to have some friends, etc, but right now, this has been a great start. Oh yeah, I realized my old OLD pal from Elementary school, Warren, lives and works out here too. I contacted him on Facebook and it looks like we'll get a chance to do dinner - perhaps that'll be a way into a social circle out here? Anyways... I rambled on a LOT more than I expected. Typical.
23 September 07 I Have Arrived |
The weeks of do-nothing and laziness are over. I start work at NBC tomorrow.... So after Cleveland, I trudged on, first to Philadelphia (Pennsylvania is a long state, let me tell you), and then after that to Atlantic City, where I really am glad I got a chance to go gamble and play some craps before starting my new job. I have no idea when I'd get a chance to gamble again (which sounds totally dramatic but it's not), so it was nice to have a quick stop to do so. But before I get into the Philadelphia and Atlantic City stories, I think I'll work backwards this time and first put up the pictures of my new digs and the sunset views of Manhattan as experienced from my neighborhood on my first day here. Still can't believe I'm starting tomorrow. Anyways, my drive out here was very safe and I avoided speeding tickets the entire way. Yay me. It probably helped I was never going more than 10mph over the speed limit the entire time, even in those states with 65mph speed limits (you know who you are, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey!!!). Here are the pics from my new hood. Enjoy.
But before I was in Manhattan, I got to have two very cool days! At the beginning and for most of those two days, I was with the illustrious Jenny Robinson in Philadelphia! Cue the fanfare music! It was a lot of fun and it began pretty much as soon as I arrived on Friday night (also coinciding with me having to drive in Philly rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon - not what I'd call fun). We first got some dinner at an authentic and very non-touristy Philly 'restaurant' called Steve's where I got myself some pretty damn good Philly Cheese Steak. But really, what made it awesome were the true Philly natives who were also there. Seriously - the accents, the body hair, the high-tops, the hairstyles, the clothes.... it was flippin' awesome. Remember that Jack in the Box commercial where Jack sends a very mild-mannered guy out to Philly to do research on the PCSs and comes back as Mr. Philly wearing high-tops, high hair, and a Philly accent, going "Heyyyy Jackyyyyyy!". No lie, that's exactly how it was here too. Awesome. Then we went back downtown to where my hotel was (which was literally in the center of everything - very cool place to be if you have the opportunity to stay in Philly: Holiday Inn Historic District) and walked along South Street, which reminded me mostly of Melrose Avenue in LA. After that, we said our goodnights and I crashed. The next morning, I woke up and it was freakin' raining, which was not cool. But fortunately, that didn't last all damn day and we then met up and started a full day of sightseeing. First we grabbed some breakfast at this high-falutin' cafe where Jenny made some waiter drop his tray of cups and glasses. She really did. It was all her fault. After that we walked over to the damn Liberty Bell! How awesome was that? We then got our free timed tickets for the Independence Hall (in hindsight, not sure how worth it this was, but still, I can say I was where both the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed and adopted) which weren't for a few hours so we then squeezed in a full circuit of the Big Bus Tour of Philadelphia (much like what there is in London and other big cities). As you'll see in the pics, this was again a great way to get an idea of the entire city and if you have time, it allows you to plan out other things to see. I didn't have that time this visit, but I definitely know I'd like to go back and see a lot more of Philadelphia. It was also great just to see Jenny again! She is definitely one of those friends in which it seems like no time passes when you see them again after a long separation in between. Still as snarky as ever, and I think I've refreshed her 'so to speak'ness so maybe it'll catch on at her work. Here's hoping. WTF Joe!!!????
Okay, I'm seriously tired now but it was all worth it! I had to get these pictures up now or I'd probably take forever to do so once work starts. It was definitely an amazing adventure driving across this country of ours - it was a part of it that I really wasn't familiar with so it was cool to see a bunch of new stuff, even if it did all look the same after awhile - corn fields, corn fields, corn fields.... then trees trees trees.... finally Philly and Atlantic City and of course Manhattan and North Jersey broke all that monotony up! Here's hoping for a good first day tomorrow!
20 September 07 Greetings from Cleveland! |
This is Night #3 of my cross-country journey! I totally lied about not putting up pictures as you'll see below. I realized I'd not get to these in a long time if I don't do them tonight. So if you checked this site out earlier well, my bad. The drive across has been fairly uneventful. Uneventful because there is absolutely nothing to see between Colorado and Ohio. Truly. There's absolutely nothing but flatlands and corn fields and then occasionally a little river or something is crossed. And lots of ridiculous truckers. Lots. But I'm here safely so I can't complain. Not much to report on though so this'll be a relatively short post. I did get to hang out with Jeremy yesterday and that was a lot of fun. In Joliet, Illinois, Harrah's has a pretty cool casino and I actually mean that. They have really upscale restaurants and a their casino, while small, at least has craps and other games you don't see at places like Indian casinos. What I was shocked about was that the casino had $10 Minimums!!!! WTF?! This is Illinois! But anyways, it was awesome to be able to talk with Jeremy and just realize how much I've missed having him around. I'm trying my best now to convince him how cool New York would be. I think that's a possibility in a year or so. How much fun would that be? So today is boring day in Cleveland and tomorrow I'll finally get to see the infamous Jenny Jennertons in Philadelphia. I must be ready for anything. She's insane. In a good way, but still. And then after that, it's Atlantic City time and you KNOW I'll be getting my gambling on. And for those who are looking for the massive amount of pictures that do exist, I'm sorry but I haven't gotten to them just yet. Patience, patience. Such a liar, I am!
One of the Hobie Farewell events was the group having a bbq at Susan's house and then fun afterwards. Originally I thought I'd pop for a limo and kind of recreate what my 30th birthday was like, but then I began to think, nah, why do that again? So the night became all about rollerskating and pimping... uh, I mean rollerskating and bowling. It was awesome.
It wasn't all fun and games though. The last two days I was in the Springs involved a LOT of cleaning up of the house. In fact, it took two days for me and Susan to get it done. And without Susan's help, I'd probably still be there. She totally rocks and I am totally unworthy of her awesomeness. Below are some pictures from cleaning fun. Don't be dissuaded by the pics of me sitting on my ass. It was a total random shot that does NOT illustrate how hard I was working!
So my last night in town, my friends and I went to my ultimate favorite place to eat: Outback. I was sad to realize that this was it. As I've already written earlier, it is tough to leave such great friends. So what better way to make yourself feel better than to take lots of fun pictures!?
And finally, here are some pics from my drive so far to Cleveland. I'm retarded though, and didn't bring my camera when me and Jeremy hung out. So stupid. So all you get are scenery shots. Enjoy.
17 September 07 Farewell to Colorado Springs |
This has definitely ended up as one of the hardest days I've had. Why? Because I'm inflicting on myself the thing that the military gets perverse joy doing to you: leaving a place you've come to call home. I freely admit there have been a ridiculous amount of going-away events for my departure, but each one made it clearer to me that I'm leaving. Tonight was the last event, and it was dinner at Outback, appropriately. Jeff, Susan, KD, Eric, Erin & Melissa all came out (to make sure I left?) to say goodbye, and it was a really good time. Lots of funny pictures that I don't have the time or energy to download right now. Perhaps when I'm bored to tears in Omaha tomorrow night I'll do that. Anyways, I really am tired of having to say goodbye to family which these amazing group of friends have become. I don't know why I am doing this to myself. I probably could have stayed here and found a job. But... then I'd miss out an this opportunity in New York, and that's where my schizophrenia kicks in. I know what I want yet I also know what I want. I want both. And the only child part of me can't reconcile that I can't have both. So I chose. And it's a hard choice. A sad choice. A choice that requires me to leave my first house, a great part of the country, and the best group of friends I've had in a long time - and this is no disrespect to any of the other groups that I still have. It's just that here, there were people in my same situation and who could go out and drink and I didn't have to kind of worry about hanging out with. It was just easy and awesome and I don't know if I'll find that again. I know that for a few months, it will be tough. Hopefully having a roommate will help, but eventually I'll have to find a circle... or hope to. Anyways, I leave Tuesday morning for my first stop in the Omaha area. It'll be a long drive but it'll be the longest and then it's over. And oh yeah, my stuff is all gone now. Crazy. Liberating. I'm leaving. I.... am.... so..... fucking..... scared. |
13 September 07 Committed Now |
The movers have taken my stuff - no backing out now! I'm really moving to New York! WTF!? Anyways, I'm back from New York and after a bit of drama and stress, I do have a place to live as well in West New York, New Jersey. Yes, it's kind of hard to say that and not confuse people, but basically I will live in a city called West New York which is in New Jersey yet right across the Hudson River from Manhattan. The place is really cool and the roommate seems like she'll be pretty easy to share an apartment with. I'll put pics up of the place once I have some. The features of the building are very awesome: an A&P grocery store on the first floor of the building, as well as a Starbucks, a Ben & Jerry's, and an extensive wine, liquor and beer shop. Excellent. So obviously I headed out to NYC for 3 days last week. The flights turned out to be quite uneventful, which was refreshing. Perhaps it was because I was on American Airlines and NOWHERE near Chicago O'Hare Intl Airport or United Airlines.....? I'm just saying. It was a fairly hectic trip though, with lots to do from the moment I landed. I saw three apartments that first evening and they went from pretty much worst to best in terms of quality and desirability. Really, only the first one was one in which I really knew immediately I had no desire to live there. But the last two were pretty cool - especially the last one. Basically for the view alone the last one was awesome, but the apartment itself was also quite incredible. But flash forward a few days and that last one, which had the dynamic view of Manhattan from Hoboken, was the one I did NOT get. It came down to not hearing back from the guy when he said he'd get back to me, and I felt like I needed to make a decision as I told the person (Shelly) whose apartment I liked second-best (and which I saw on the following evening) I would get back to her asap. Long convoluted story short, I am now living with Shelly in a place right by the river. But there is more, especially in the way of pictures. Lots of pictures. First up are my pics from my 3-day trip to the greater New York City area. Enjoy!
And those are my New York Pics. After the end of my circle line boat tour, I walked a block to the Ferry Terminal, crossed back over to Lincoln Harbor, and then hung out in my room for a bit. Around 6, I went over to visit the last apartment I had planned to see during this trip, and it was this one that I am now eventually going to live in. It's a really sweet place and I really am looking forward to being there. Alright, I have a few more pics from a recent dinner at Chili's with my friends out here. There's quite a few Hobie Farewell Tour events going on my last few days, which will be fun but only serve to hasten things along. I am going to actually drive out of the Springs on Tuesday morning, for better or for worse. My itinerary looks like this: - 1st Stop: Omaha area And that adventure begins in just a few days!!!!!! YIKES.
That catches me up on pics for the time being. I knew I needed to get this done before I left and especially because I have a lot of little things to still get done before leaving. Here's hoping I get a renter!!!!
2 September 07 Panic Attack (No more countdown...weird) |
So I woke up this morning completely stressed about all the stuff I have to do in the next 3 weeks. COMPLETELY stressed. It's kind of hard to go back to sleep once you realize you've committed yourself (I guess I could end the sentence there...but I won't) to upheaving your life for something cool and crazy. And that realization slapped me in the face like someone I just called a whore. (by the way, WHORE is a fun word to say - you can say it with such different inflections - fun for all ages!) I began to list all the things I still have to do in the next three weeks, and I'm going to clue you into my mental processes and then you will be a full-fledged member of the Hobie-Neurotic Club: - Have to do shittons of laundry (yes, I know, everyone has to do this, but I HATE laundry... at least I don't have to go down to a river and beat my clothes against rocks... so I'll quit my whining) - Mow the damn grass (I also have to sharpen the blades of the mower since I haven't ever and I have no idea how to do it or with what.... yes, I actually dwelled on this this morning) - Get a key made for my property manager (which led me into my whole panicky spiral of doom because I am still kinda scared about this damn house and wishing it would sell but it's not so now I have to rent it and I don't want a psycho renting it and destroying it and hoping that the property manager is good and knowing that she is but still hoping that I'm not being too optimistic and not even knowing where the hell you go to get a key made - yes, I'm insane) - Thinking about my upcoming househunting trip to New Jersey (and hoping that all the rooms I'm interested in don't get rented while I'm flying out there and wondering what the hell would I do if that IS the case because then I'd have to like knock on doors and windows and figure out the next step in getting a place to live and what if I end up in the streets with a laptop and a Nintendo DS and that's it? - again, this spiral of doom thingy knows no bounds and makes everything a great rosey shade of INSANE) - Hoping I can sell most if not all the items I want to sell (but what if they don't sell and nobody wants these things and I have to ship them out to New Jersey and then I have to pay for storage after a month and what if costs like $500/month I can't afford that!) - My Dad and Pat are leaving Colorado Springs on Tuesday morning (when am I going to see them again? When am I going to see my Mom and Harv again? I don't think I even can begin to plan a trip right now during these next 3 weeks as there's just NO TIME (as Jack Bauer of 24 would say) and who knows what the holidays are going to be like and once again my folks are going to be disappointed/mad....) - What if I can't do the job at NBC? (and I find out I'm retarded and can't spell or go to the bathroom or don't know how to dress anymore and mix patterns and colors and belts and shoes and get lost on the subway and end up in Maine and have no clue how to get back to my apartment because I don't even know the address yet....) - Wondering if anyone cares about what I wrote last week or at all ever or if they think I'm foolish for just up and leaving Colorado Springs (why ruin a good thing? I've got a great house and a great circle of friends.... but at this point in my life (and also during the panic attack) I realized that I HAVE to do this all because it's such an amazing opportunity and really, it's been a goal of mine to come to New York City) ..... so basically I let the spiral of doom take me down its path and once I got to the end of it, I realized that none of these things are insurmountable. Sure, they're scary, and maybe expensive, but I've got the AF VSP money and if that gets burned up in the process of me following my dreams, well, so be it. I'll have a great job that will allow me to probably avoid actually burning my VSP money so honestly, everything will get resolved. Each of these situations has a clear set of steps I need to take and I'll take them. So I got out of bed, took a shower, and began my day knocking off little steps of each task as I could do it. And I think by the time I end up in my car ready to drive out of Colorado Springs for good towards New York, I'll be ready. Anyways, here's a pic of me and Dad and Pat from a few days back when we were at Joe's Crab Shack. They're leaving shortly for Albuquerque and eventually California. Happy Trails and Safe Driving, guys! And in other news, I went with KD to see the movie Stardust last night. Fantastic! A great fairy tale type movie and it was very much like the Princess Bride, although not quite as fanciful as that one. But highly entertaining and lots of great actors, especially Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert DeNiro, Claire Danes and Charlie Cox. All very charismatic in their roles and the story was always gripping. Good times. Oh yeah, I'm a CIVILIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and unemployed. For 3 weeks or so, at least. It's a weird feeling - I have pretty much had a job nonstop since around Thanksgiving of my Junior year in High School, which was in 1992. Yowza. Peace out, bitches.