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So it isn't all that plausible. But it sure was a fun ride. Oh c'mon, I know there's a bunch of Armageddon and Deep Impact haters out there, but you're just fronting. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of seeing a group of superhumans save the oblivious earth from complete and total destruction. It's great! I won't even go into the science and ridiculousness that THESE six people alone can save the earth. And billions upon billions of dollars suddenly appear to finance the operation. Whatever! It's all good. What can be wrong when you get to watch the Golden Gate Bridge disintegrate? NOTHING. It's great! And to see Rome get worked. By a thunderstorm. C'mon, what's not to love? And the Earth is just one big gooey mess in the middle? Well, duh! And one guy can control the Internet? Obviously. Alright, I'm not doing much for getting someone to see this (and it is a little late, isn't it? I saw this months ago, just too lazy to put up a review), but definitely rent it. Cool special effects, okay acting.....and a different setting for an overworked premise. But at the end of the movie, I didn't feel dirty. Shoot me an email if you have
any comments! |