of the rings: the two towers |
Holy Guacamole, Two Towers rocked my world! I've seen it twice now, and I would like to see it once more in the theatres before I have to wait till August or so to see it again on DVD. Now it may have taken some liberties from the book - but who cares? The movie carries you along its plot effortlessly and I was hooked watching what Gollum would do next, or to see the Ent attack on Isengard, or to see the freaking INCREDIBLE battle of Helm's Deep. There was so much to see, and so many paths that had to be followed, you really didn't get to see as much of some characters as I would have liked, such as Gandalf (although his opening sequence is awesome with the Balrog). Whatever - this movie rocked, I can't wait for the DVD (both versions - I'm a DVD whore and proud of it), and I want to see it again. Shoot me an email if you have
any comments! |