Azores photos - Karaoke Time

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Time for a chorus of.....

August, 2002 @ Lajes Field, Terceira

So during my second and final summer at the Azores, most of the friends I had made were starting to head off to other bases. One of these couples, the Blanchettes, were leaving and decided to have a farewell karaoke party. Hey, why not? Well, the Officers Club hosted karaoke every Friday night (I think...) and on that night, we took over the club and had a good ol' time. Not that it was taking over much. The Officers Club is quite small at Lajes. And not too many people actually go. But hey, we took over. And below are the pictures!


Chris and Tai

Chris starts to sing

Tai and Jason

Jason and Tracy

Me and Katie


Tai and Jason's head

The whole group has a sing-song moment

Even further back

Tracy enraptures the audience


Shoot me an email if you have any comments!