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A fun and fast trip to the nation's capitol

June 8-12, 2003 @ Washington, DC

I was here in DC for a class on Information Security, at which I learned a lot and a lot and I even had to regurgitate it upon my first day back at work. Great. But it's better to have the knowledge, because knowledge is half the battle. Yes, I know my GI Joe. During my trip, I was able to get out of the hotel after class every day! Yes, I didn't laze around the room, surfing the 20 channels available on the TV. Aren't you (and I) surprised? The first day (Sunday)I was able to just walk around the Crystal City area to get a handle on where the hell I was. On Monday I made it out to DC proper and walked around the monuments. The majority of my pictures below are from that day. You can see I mainly focused on the east side of the mall, as I have recent pictures from DC when I went there with Sunday & Scott right before going to the Azores. Perhaps those pictures will surface again one day.... Then on Tuesday, I met up with Alan & Maria Orlikoski, who I knew back in BCOT. I knew they were stationed out here in DC, so I contacted them before I left and was able to meet up with them. They picked me up and fed me dinner at their house and we were able to catch up. It was awesome to see them again, although I felt like an imposition because Maria is ready to pop out a baby at any second. I may actually have the last picture of her before giving birth. The next day was the crazy Loren meeting, and I am mad that I didn't have my camera with me, but like I was really expecting to meet up with Loren that day. Read the story to find out more. And finally on Thursday, I caught Matrix Reloaded once more before heading home!

Alan & Maria


The Capitol Building up close

And from the mall

and a little bit 'colorized'

Walking towards the capitol

see a trend here?

A cool reflecting pool picture

Right by the pool

Even better reflecting picture

Vertical view

The mall from the capitol building

Another of my super fine self pictures

With the flash this time

And the monument once again


Shoot me an email if you have any comments!