photos - Harv's 70th Birthday
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A combo of families came together to celebrate Harv's birthday in Corona

May 17, 2003 @ Todd & Tricia's home in Corona

Yep, Harv celebrated his 70th birthday this Saturday and it was a lot of fun! I even got to crash at the house that night, so I was able to drink a little more than normal. Hey, if you don't have to drive, why not. This event was very fun though, as Beamans & Sperskes (and a Barnes) alike got to enjoy each others' company. Gifts were given, cake was eaten, dancing (and a little falling...) was done, and beverages were drunk. I think Harv had a great time, and I know I did, having a chance to see many relatives that I hadn't seen in years. Anyways, below are the pictures I took during the party, and additionally my aunt Helen took some pictures which I have pilfered and put on this site as well. Enjoy!

As a note, if anybody wants higher resolution versions of these for print, please let me know which ones and I'll email them to you. At their current resolution on this website, it's probably not the best quality to print out.


Andrea, me and EB

Andrea vs. Ryan on the air hockey

My cool Aunt Francine

The Beaman table

The Birthday banner

Harv, Paul, Darryl & Jerry

The brothers with Jessie

The brothers with Erin

Just the brothers

Blowing out the candles

The birthday cake

Bringing the cake out

Presentation of the cake

The fun of dancing

Dancing Sperskes!

More fun dancing

EB & Andrea

Eric & Lisa

Erin & Roger

Erin, Roger & Jason

Erin & Roger again

Erin & Me

Erin & Tricia

Francine, Nanette & Jeannie

Harv's album

More reading of the album

The album again

Gift opening

and more

and more

Getting a little emotional

Pointing it out

Gifts being opened

Crazy Tricia

Mom and the voodoo doll?

Harv likes his Wheaties

Harv & Matt

Harv & Nanette

Harv & Todd

Me & Helen

Helen & Steve

JC & Helen

Jessie, Harv & Mom

Jessie & Me

Joanne, Francine & Nancy

Lisa & Garrett

Lisa & Jason

Lisa & me

Lori & Bill

Lori & her grandkids

Lori & Me

Aunt Mary

Mary vs Mom at pool

Mat with the brothers

Matt, Paul & Francine

Me & Helen

Me & Matt

Mom & Me

Mom & Harv

Sperske Fussball with Erin in the background

More Sperske fussball action

The Sperske table

Stacie & Harv

Stacie & Jessie

Stister Stacie

Stacie & Mike

Stacie & Todd

Steve, Mom & Erin


Tanner & Kayleb

Tanner & his aunt

Tanner & Kayleb

Tricia, Stacie & Erin

Todd & Tricia

Tricia & Erin


Shoot me an email if you have any comments!