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What a weekend

Aug 28 - Sept 1, 2003 @ Southern California locales

I've told the story about what happened in my Sept 8 journal entry, so go there if you want to hear the nitty gritty details. But below are pics from my Magic Mountain trip with Ilyne, Jason & Wendy, as well as a reunited picture of me, Warren, & Nekia. It was a very good weekend!

For some really great pictures of X, the ride, just so you can get an idea of what this ride was like, click on the link below. Notice that kick ass first drop. You go down that thing totally parallel to the ground, so that your body is basically falling face forward to the ground. It's unreal the feeling you get from it. Highly highly recommended!
X pictures: RCDB X Gallery


Ilyne & Jason in parking lot

Colossus, Goliath & Superman

Jason & me


Wendy and our great coke can deal

X from the entrance

Ilyne, Wendy & Jay in the ticket line

The approach to X and Viper

Me and the X

The view from the X line with me

The view unobstructed with my big head

Viper from the line

A puzzle ring that Jason wanted to solve

And here he is totally confused

Viper in the loop

The lift hill for X - notice the unique seats

The X seats - they spin independent of the main car - crazy

Ilyne and the front of the line

Jason & Jet Stream (with Ninja as well)

The Jet Stream warning sign - You will get wet (thanks)

Me, Wendy & Jason in front of the first loop-the-loop coaster

The big guys at night

More of the same

Let's hear it for another

X at night while driving away

Yeah, it's blurry.

Recipe for disaster

Warren, Nekia & Me, Reunited!



Shoot me an email if you have any comments!