photos - Redman's lunch
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Farewell Rich Redman!

October 29, 2002 @ the Terceira Island Golf Course

We bid farewell to Rich a week or so before he left for Utah and Hill AFB at the golf course restaurant. There was mighty good eating to be had for a mere $5 or 5 Euros - if you got the chicken, you basically ended up with a huge half a chicken. Nice! I couldn't even eat it all. It was a nice luncheon though, with lots of nice things said about the Rich-ster. He made a lot of good friends while here at Lajes and will be missed. Below are pictures we took before and after the lunch, including an updated WIAO shot without Marcie (who's on her way back from having a baby).

WIAO, circa Oct 02 (sans Fuller)

The Dorrians, the Redmans, me, Kirkwood and Garcia

Why did Michelle put her arm up? Why????

Rich on the 18th hole

Kirkwood, Redman, me and Garcia

Now, what is Shelly looking at? Do you see it? No?

America's Newest Anti-Aircraft Weapon (thanks Dorrian!)


Shoot me an email if you have any comments!