Some Links to a Plethora of Ricers!
What is a Ricer? My own personal definition of a ricer
is when you take a normal car and make it look not normal. Great examples of
a riced-car is typically a Japanese car (although American and European makes
still qualify in my book) that has a ridiculous spoiler, a paint-job that usually
has added racing stripes, lightning, fire, or writing of some sort, decals that
tell you what kind of car it is (ex: putting an ACURA sticker across the rear
window - Thank You so much for telling me you used to have an Acura but now
you have a freak-mobile), vehicle light casings that are completely clear, a
lowered chassis, neon lights, did I mention a ridiculous spoiler?, coffee can
exhausts, etc. I really could go on and on (as I just did), but why? I hope
to soon include pics which Dan has taken, and some links to some rice sites
that show some cars that will blow your mind.
New! Dan's pictures are up!
26 Jun 03: Wow, this was such a fun pastime, laughing at the latest in car ricing with Dan! Dan, if you see this, send me some more pictures. I know you have got to have some more that I can add here.
Take me back to the Photos Portal!