photos - last night in SA
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My Last Night in San Antonio

August 15th?, 2001 @ Hooters, Fox & the Hound Pub, & the Security Hill club

I resurrected these photos because they're currently not on display and they are freakin' hilarious. See me in various states of drunkness (what else is new?) and having an outstanding time with some of the best people I've ever met while in the Air Force. I really hated leaving that job when everything clicked as well as it did at that point in time. But that's the past, right? Move on!

The Hail & Farewell; Drunk level: very low

Removed... :-(

Me & Al Amato

Al, JJ, Sgt Anthony

Me & Calvin (aka Calvin & Hobbes)

Moonbeam & Me!

Sgt Wallis & Sgt Stinedurf

At Hooters now; Drunk level: very nice

Removed... :-(

Who is this again...?

Notice Moonbeam doesn't think Loren can drink like her

Loren has to think about that

Apparently something VERY funny was said

Me & Michancy again

The Hobster & the Hooter girls

One more time for good measure

JJ, Me, Michancy & Loren

JJ's Angels

Loren & Al

Loren, Al, Michancy & JJ





The Fox & the Hound Pub; Drunk level: Very much

Yes, they're drunk...

...and they had to work the next day!

Calvin & Hobbes again

Very drunk Hobie & JJ

Me & Loren & leaping Calvin


The slaughtered Hobie after a particularly rough match of pool

Me & Al

Al thought it was funny...Michancy less so

But apparently, THIS is the epitome of funny

Me & the Robbinator

Robbie & Michancy






Needless to say, that was a fun night. The recovery period was not though. Both Michancy & I had to crash at JJs, and it wasn't pretty fighting for the bathroom. At least I didn't have to work the next day, but having to fly to Baltimore in order to go to the Azores isn't all that fun when you're hungover either. Lots o' fun!


Shoot me an email if you have any comments!