photos - Thanksgiving 2003
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Happy Turkey Day

November 27-30, 2003 @ Southern California locales

It was a good weekend. I made it to Los Angeles the morning of Thanksgiving (well, actually early afternoon as I hit an hour delay at the Cajon Pass - stupid traffic) and arrived at home to the smell of wonder. There really is nothing like the warm smell of turkey cooking mingled with gravy and stuffing. Yum. Needless to say, Mom and Harv made an outstanding Thanksgiving dinner. Neighbors and friends Andrea and EB came over as well, with their boys Sean & Ryan. It was nice to have a small Thanksgiving, and there was very little screaming and child drama. Which is always good. But like I said, my folks put on a fantastic Thanksgiving spread, and I can't wait for next year.

That night, I then made a couple visits with other friends. I first went to Corona where Mila was having a Thanksgiving with her cousins, Rena & Angie. Her folks were out of the country, so she went there. It was great to see Mila and the family again, and there are some pictures below from the visit. They were playing Trivial Pursuit, and I had forgotten how smart I really am. ;-) I teamed up with Angie, and while we didn't win (as I came in late to the game), we did make quite a comeback. After about 2 hours, I then left to go to Gendy's Casino party over in Walnut. At that party was the whole wacky Nuval extended family and friends, which is always a good time. I'm always glad to get a chance to see them, because without wedding parties to go to, there won't be very much reason to see all of them. :-( Anyways, there's more pictures from that as well below.

On Friday, I stayed far away from the shopping throngs. I have absolutely no interest in doing that. Instead I went down to hang out with Mila and Ken again, but for a little bit more of a quality visit. We went to lunch down at Ruby's on the Huntington Beach pier. That was a great place to go, as I have been dying to see the ocean again. Well, since Ruby's is on the end of the pier, I got my ocean fix. The weather was cool, but not cold, and the sky was very clear. Oh, to live in Southern California. I took for granted the ocean when I lived in LA, so whenever I have the opportunity to see it, well, I gotta see it! (It's not as if I lived on an island for 15 months or something...). Afterwards, Sveta came down and then we all gathered round to play the latest version of Trivial Pursuit, the DVD Pop Culture edition. That's a great game, but there was a glitch! It wouldn't stop playing the question "Which basketball team has produced 28 Hall of Famers?"

Saturday I chilled with Mom and we went down to Laguna Beach (ahhh, the beach!). We had gone down there right before I went to the Azores, in order to pick up stuff from the Hobie store. Well, when we went there that time, it was closed for inventory. Figures. But this time, the store was wide open, and I picked up quite a few Hobie shirts, a mug, and lots o' stickers. Oh yes, the Hobie legacy will be proudly displayed. We had lunch at a great restaurant on the beach, and then we headed back to home where we just relaxed, which was nice. I managed to finish reading my book, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and I gotta say, I highly recommend it. An outstanding read.

And so today, I drove on back to Vegas, and yay, I got my computer parts and picked up a hard drive at Fry's. Here's a picture of all my components - before the installation. I don't know if I'll try putting stuff together tonight, but definitely tomorrow. Oh yeah. I better get it done soon though, as I am leaving Thursday for Puerto Rico!!!



Me & Mila

Mila & Ken

Not ready yet

Finally ready

Rena, Me & Angie

Christina & Jane

Gendy & Chris

Gendy, me & Christina

Jason & Clarissa

Patricia Wendy & family

My beautiful Catherine

Beautiful Huntington Beach

Ken & Mila on the pier

Looking towards Catalina

$3500/month beach apartments

Ken & Mila on the pier again

Looking towards Malibu

Me and my bench

Looking down the pier back to shore

Waiting for our table at Ruby's

Me on the pier

Take 1 of Mila and Sveta

Take 2 - nasty

Take 3

Take 4 - So genuine





Shoot me an email if you have any comments!