egas Wedding

Auntie Helen & Steve tie the knot

Take me back to the Photos Portal!

Pics from Memorial Day Weekend 2001

The panoramic view from the Penthouse Suite at the Sahara - done with my nifty Panoramic software. Neat, eh?

Sahara Hotel - site of the fun

Sahara Hotel - through the Entry dome

At Paco's - Bill & Lori

At Paco's - JC (the gambling man) & Mary

At Paco's - Helen & Steve

At Paco's - Mom Harv & Me

At Paco's

Chapel of the Firestone Flowers

Chapel of the Flowers - gotta love Photoshop

Helen leaving her bridal chariot

Left side of the chapel

Right side of the chapel

Steve waiting and waiting

Here comes the bride

Erin saying a few words

Steve & Helen taking their vows

You may kiss the bride

Erin Paul & Janice afterwards

Erin & Eric

Me Harv & Mom at the chapel

Bob Lisa & Garrett

Helen & Steve kissing on Chapel Bridge

Helen & Steve still on Chapel Bridge

Get off the damn bridge!

Jamie & Erin on the way to the reception

Penthouse View of Downtown Vegas

Penthouse View of the Pool

Penthouse View of the Stratosphere

Penthouse View of the Strip

Helen & Steve cut the cake

Cindy & Me

Erin & Me

Lisa & Lori

The Owners, Bouncer, & Lazy Waitress of the bar

The Owners of Jamie & Erin's or Hobie's

The Sperske Sisters

The Lazy Waitress works!

Opening Gifts

Speed the Ride - the midpoint hill

Speed the Ride - with car on hill