pop culture

Frank’s Gone & Paul’s in Power

BB18 Episodes 17, 18, & 19 – July 27, 28, & 31, 2016

<–Previously, James bounces his BB check AGAIN

Larry & I headed back east to visit our brand new niece, Rachel, having left on Wednesday night and not getting back until Sunday afternoon.  The DNC (I’m With Her, obvs) also took up all the airtime during the week, so yeah, recordings were a big ol’ mess.  But we did get caught up yesterday on the comings and goings of the house this past week, and ooof, they were interesting, weren’t they?  Let’s take a look at Frank’s downfall, why don’t we?

Frank & Bridgette Need a Veto Miracle

BB18_Ep17_OTEVtheDJ BB18_Ep17_VetoWinnerMichelle BB18_Ep17_VetoLoserBridgetteLong story short, OTEV was not in the mood for miracles.  Frank &
Bridgette lasted pretty long, but surprisingly, Michelle came out of the woodwork and kicked both their asses.  Bridgette made it to the Final 2 but couldn’t beat MIchelle, as this picture above shows. And can we comment on the fact that Michelle revealed herself to be quite crazy?

BB18_Ep18_DaVonnesHadEnough BB18_Ep17_MichelleBeCrazyThere was lots of editing this Veto episode to make it look like Michelle might be tempted to use the Veto on Frank.   Why?  Because she wanted to work with him and always had, since the first episode.  But that BITCH Bridgette showed up and ruined EVERYTHING.  I may look like I’m exaggerating, but seriously, Michelle showed some true cray-cray when talking about how much Bridgette was a hurdle in her path towards a Frank alliance/showmance.  I felt bad for Bridgette when she tried to reach out and mend bridges between her and Michelle, as Michelle just was not in to this at all.  I think these crying pictures are actually from the post-Veto episode, but who cares, it just needs to be shown that she’s crazy, and I don’t think it went unnoticed by Zakiyah or DaVonne that Michelle was thisclose to tossing their alliance aside in order to cuddle up closer to Frank.  But we’ll see how that plays out down the line.

Writing’s On the Wall

BB18_Ep17_FrankSeestheWritingontheWallFrank did seem to recognize that he had to figure out something or else he was going home.  He tried his damndest to get Michelle to use the Veto on him, but alas, that didn’t work.   Why?  The house saw all of his moves.   And like Michelle’s breakdown also indicated, it was kind of close to working.  He knew exactly who to target and how, but I’m guessing the rest of the house wasn’t about to let Michelle’s delusions of grandeur go anywhere.

But What About the Secret Room?

BB18_Ep18_PaulCallsParis BB18_Ep18_PaulEnterstheSecretPassage BB18_Ep18_PaulPicksaTicketIt was a cute idea.  Really.  But far too easy to find.  I was impressed and also dismayed that even with the secret clue of “Call Paris” found on the plane upstairs, ONLY Paul realized that you could just “call” the word Paris on the phone booth’s dial.  WTF.  Obviously everyone eventually figured it out, but seriously, Frank was so deadset on it being about calling the Departures Flight # for Paris.  Anyway, this reward isn’t only for one person and seemed custom-made for everyone to get a chance, as there are 12 envelopes to pick from, with only one of them yielding a “Return Trip” ticket.  What’s that mean?  It means if you get eliminated, Julie will open the envelope you chose – if you have a “Return Trip” inside, you’re going back into the house!  Bridgette & Frank suddenly get hope!

Hope Everlasting….Over

BB18_Ep18_FrankBridgetteAboutToBeEvicted BB18_Ep18_ByeFrankNot only was Frank voted out unanimously, when he went outside to talk with Julie, he also found out he didn’t pull the right envelope and his One-Way ticket means he’s off to live his life again.  Frank’s the last non-jury member at this point.  And Bridgette is left alone inside a house that has a bunch of people who really really don’t want her in there.

Status & Standings After Episodes 17 & 18:

BB18_Ep17_18_StandingsOutgoing Head of Household: James
Nominated for Eviction:  Frank & Bridgette
Power of Veto Winner:  Michelle
Power of Veto Used?  No
Evicted:  Frank (9-0)

I kind of have pity for Bridgette at this point.  But as we learn in the next episode, and even when watching her in this past few weeks….Bridgette really isn’t good at this game.  She’s obscenely nice, but absolutely not a player of the game.   Her HoH was just a proxy for Frank, and her complete lack of a social game, except for with Frank, is coming back to bite her in the ass.  Even the Spy Girls thing she was part of isn’t useful, as Natalie isn’t able to do anything for her.  I could see her either floating by this upcoming week as bigger targets come into focus…or she gets evicted as it’s just too easy to get rid of her at this point.

But first!

Who Won This Week’s HoH?

BB18_Ep19_HoHNataliesPerfectPracticeThrows BB18_Ep19_PaulsHoHWinningPush BB18_Ep19_VictoriousPaulLooky here…someone new and interesting wins the HoH!  In this competition, each houseguest had to roll a ball as far as possible on a curvy path, with the hope of actually landing the ball in a basket at the very end of the path.  You can practice as much as you want with a yellow ball, but once you choose to roll the red ball, that’s it.  Well, Paul ends up winning after some dramatic tension established when Paul doesn’t get the slot but does get the highest point total.  Natalie, while spastic, ends up getting THREE shots into the basket in a row, but that’s with the yellow ball.  As soon as she grabs the red ball, it’s comical how bad it goes.  Nicole & DaVonne both are vying for the win as neither really trusts the other, but they can’t pull out a win.  So it goes to Paul, which means that the power is in a newbie’s hand, as well as a guy who’s not in an open showmance or alliance…except for with his stalker Paulie.  PAULIE, GROW THAT FUCKING HAIR OUT – YOU LOOK LIKE A PUTZ RIGHT NOW.


BB18_Ep19_NatalieWinsAmericasCarePackageI don’t get this choice at all, with Natalie winning the first America’s Care Package.  How did a majority pick her in any situation?  She’s been a non-entity, almost to the degree that Clay Corey has.  So Natalie gets a Non-Slop Pass (or whatever it’s called) and that’s that.  Can we talk about Corey?  He’s insanely non-essential to this game.  He’s a giant void of charisma who while quite attractive, adds absolutely no value to the show.  So disappointing.

Bueller? Bueller?

BB18_Ep19_PaulCantGetaWillingPawnPaul has a few decisions to make.  He’s on a determined path to “finish the job” of getting rid of “Fridgette,” which means sending Bridgette home this week.  No mess, no fuss.  So at this point, Bridgette is nominee #1, but now he has to put someone else up.  And the problem with being on “this side of the house” is that means everyone besides Bridgette is your ally.  And now you have to put them up on the block.  So when he asks, reasonably, to get a volunteer, pretty much no one steps up.  Paul’s understandably pissed at this lack of enthusiasm, as he’s now been the pawn quite a few times.  Nicole momentarily steps up, and Paul appreciates it, but Nicole quickly realizes what a mistake that was and gets Corey to help her out and volunteer for her.  It doesn’t really happen that way though, and in the end, Paulie decides to just go ahead and fucking volunteer.  Paul is yet again disappointed.

On the Other Hand….

BB18_Ep19_PauliePaulDebateNominationsPaulie is thinking of not only his giant mistake in shaving his head to match his new role model, but also of things that could happen this week with Paul in control.  Namely, let’s get rid of DaVonne.  Hmm….. Corey is onboard with the idea, but that’s kind of easy to have happen.  Just say something and he’ll respond affirmatively.  So disappointing, Corey!  Anyway, Paul isn’t really on board with this plan, but sees he can make it work for him.  Put up Bridgette & a pawn, the Veto happens and someone comes down, then he can put DaVonne up.  And if Bridgette happens to owe him a favor since she’ll think Paul saved her, even better.  So Paul definitely finds himself in a pretty decent spot, no matter what he chooses to do.

Status & Standings:

BB18_Ep19_StandingsHead of Household:  Paul
Nominated for Eviction:  Bridgette & Paulie

Paul doesn’t try to pull the wool over Bridgette’s eyes during the nomination ceremony, indicating she’s the target pretty explicitly and that Paulie is a pawn.  But it remains to be seen how on board he is with a potential backdoor plan.  Bridgette’s best hope is that happens, as all of a sudden it’ll be open warfare in the house and suddenly she’s a number for someone to use to stay in the house.  That could be epic, but I doubt it’ll happen unless Bridgette wins Veto.  And that COULD happen!

Next, the Veto Result Endangers DaVonne –>

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