just a post

A Too-Quick of a Weekend (MM)

I’m looking at the end of another weekend and wondering, like the rest of the world, where did the time go?  I incurred a huge “sleep debt” this past week and was thus sleeping in a lot this weekend.  It was nice.  You’d think that perhaps maybe I’d just go to sleep on time, but you’d be thinking wrong.  I had been playing Uncharted 2 a few nights, typing up my Amazing Race article, and then playing Abbey Road on The Beatles: Rock Band.  Other things too, but what I find is I just don’t want to go to sleep too soon after getting home from work.  It ends up feeling as if all I do is wake up and go to work otherwise.

On Saturday it was my Mom’s Birthday.  She’s in Vegas for it and I didn’t make it out there this year.  I know she’s having fun now and that makes me happy.  I think I did okay with her gift this year as it was a bit more personal this time and a little creative.  And all thinks to my iPhone, iMovie, and iDVD.  By the sound of things, it sounds like I’ve gone off the Mac deep end.  You’d be right, but I still have and love my Windows PC for games.  That rig rocks.

Larry and I hung out this weekend, staying dry on Saturday and avoiding the rain.  We made it to the Apple Store in the Meatpacking District where we both drooled over the new iMacs – the 27″ screen on the big one is incredible to behold.  But I just bought myself a new toy, so no!  But it does make me interested in picking up a new monitor, one preferably that big and widescreen.  Apple also has a new mouse called the Magic Mouse, which is a wireless mouse with the added benefit of having a touchscreen surface.  You can now manipulate with your mouse’s surface like you would on an iPhone.  Sweet.

At work, it’s safe to say that everyone has different opinions about the Comcast takeover of NBC Universal.  It’s still in the deal stages, and I guess it’s still not exactly confirmed either, but all things being equal, this seems like it’s going to happen. No one really can anticipate what is really going to happen, especially with our particular group.  I know I’m hoping that Comcast doesn’t already have a broadcast automation division, but I’d be surprised.  Luckily for them though that NBC does have the best automation in the business. It’s not bragging, it’s just stating facts.

Okay, time to wrap up for now.  I’m still wanting to figure out the direction of this site but I am happy so far.  I’d like to do more with it and I do plan on rolling things out more and more.  I’d love to get my guestbook or comments enabled….stay tuned on that.  Another week at work…joy!  I miss Larry already.

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