
Color & Furniture

The day we get our keys and officially own the house looks to be….Wednesday?   Maybe?   There was an inspection on Friday by the city and a pipe from the water heater into the home needed to be metal instead of PVC, which was replaced yesterday.   The inspector comes back tomorrow and then it’s a matter of days till the official hand-off can happen.   WOW.

We’ve been scheduling deliveries and activities assuming the best, which is probably foolish considering the delays we’ve been living with, but we’re honestly just like, it’s there – c’mon.   So the plan is to get a lot of stuff done this upcoming weekend that will be easier to get done while we have nothing else there to get in the way, including….


Well, you may know from previous of my adventures that I am definitely a fan of color in my house.   Looking back to Colorado, I loved the ability to make my home have colors and I went to TOWN there.  I didn’t do anything when living in NJ or NY as those were apartments and I didn’t really want to bother.    In Santa Monica, I guess we didn’t do anything there either, but the house was really something to behold on its own anyway.   Once we got to Silver Lake though, we knew that the living area HAD to be updated, which we did and it was awesome.  Here at Glendale, they offered to have walls painted for a fee, which yes, please.   So now, here we have a whole house-canvas to play with, and we’ve decided to do accent walls throughout.

As you’ll see in these pics below, there’s before and after to look at, and it’s all done via the magic of Larry’s Photoshop skills.   It’s kind of amazing.   I’m looking forward to comparing the end result to these simulations!

Entry Way:


Living Room Wall:

Kitchen Area:

Master Bedroom:

Guest Room:

Pretty snazzy, right?   Here are some other pictures I took when we visited the place yesterday:

It’s sooo close to happening.

Anyway, today we then went to Living Spaces to order some furniture that we’ve had our eye on for a little while now.   We’re getting a new bed to fit the king size mattress, along with some new furniture for the bedroom including a new dresser and a bench.  Then some new side tables for the guest room, and finally a new coffee table for the living room.  Goodbye Macy’s special that I got back in 2009!

Other than that, just trying to keep the stress levels minimized as it’s quite a month we’ve had and quite a month to look forward to!

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