Well, hello there. You may notice that I took a bit of a sabbatical there. You see, 2019 has not been what you would say is “a great year”. I don’t feel quite like going into it all, or trying to post pictures (there’s too many), or explaining anything, but I have been wanting to post on the site again for a long time, but I kept feeling overwhelmed by all that I thought I’d want to cover.
Instead, I’m going to talk about a song today, as it got me out of a bit of a funk this morning.
It’s Madonna’s “Rescue Me” from her Immaculate Collection greatest hits album. I put on the iTunes “Madonna Essentials” playlist this morning as my shower music, and while I half-heartedly sang along to “This Used to Be My Playground” and “Crazy For You”, when the opening storm sounds started on “Rescue Me,” I was like, heyyyyyy.
“Rescue Me” is a fantastic song, and it comes at the very end of Madonna’s amazing collection of 80s hits (which as one of the earliest tapes I owned, basically locked in my gayness). It doesn’t sound much at all like her earlier songs and paired with “Justify My Love,” basically welcome you to what the 1990s were going to be for Madonna.
For me, I remember picking up the CD Maxi-single of “Rescue Me” and becoming obsessed with the Houseboat Vocal remix. It basically opened my eyes to what contemporary dance music would sound like and continue to sound like.
Inject it into my veins, it’s still that good and could power up a dancefloor tonight at any club, gay or otherwise.
Madonna’s Erotica album followed up after this and both “Justify My Love” and “Rescue Me” clearly could fit in that album’s groove. Pure 90s dance goodness and I am always here for that. Not much else to say but I needed to hear it this morning to get my head straight.