just a post

Steaks, Sveta, and a Bad Back

This was the day I threw out my back.  Actually woke up where it was my left shoulder that was bothering me, as I could barely raise my arm without it hurting.   Then as the day progressed, all of a sudden it was my lower back.  Not sciatica as I know exactly how that feels, but right smack dab in the lower back.  Obviously stress-induced, but it makes it no less painful.  Sveta came over today for the evening.  Fran and Joel made steaks (they were too well done for Larry’s liking since they weren’t used to our grill).   It was a very nice time – a bit emotional which isn’t surprising as I did lose it a little while talking to her.  It basically comes down to me raging and ranting about how unfair things are.  I’m very glad to have my friends, as they’ll be a huge part of getting through this.

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