just a post on life

Regaining Lucidity on Christmas

Larry was still in the ICU today.  We also learned he’d stay in it another night, with the plan to get him discharged from the hospital on Thursday around 1pm.  Larry continued to improve and today, on Christmas (Merry Fucking Christmas), he was very aware and with it. Obviously still tired as hell but much more our boy.  We spent all day with him. Alyssa flew in in the afternoon and made it out here at the hospital to see him.  Still coordinating with the hospice to get details finalized – we are looking at a 1pm discharge time.  The staff was nice to us that day as it was a skeleton crew and they were very lenient about letting us all sit in the room with him without a 2 person limit.   It was nice.  One time while we were out in the main hallway, we were surprised to hear Larry’s voice as he was out for a guided walk with the PT team, who walked him to the window.  His strength and awareness was just so much better.

The ICU team looked to see if they could find any pockets of liquid that could be drained to help provide relief.  They weren’t able to via ultrasound.  His discomfort is being managed though, so we should be okay going forward.

His father is setting up time to come and visit on Friday – so that’ll be interesting.   Alyssa is here so she can be the intermediary, which is appreciated.

That night, we went back to where Alyssa booked a hotel room – a Marriott right by Burbank Airport.  The hotel has  a Daily Grill restaurant which was open on Christmas, which was good.  Service kind of took forever, but it was good to be able to talk. Rained like crazy when we left, and I passed the fuck out as the night before I had not slept well due to the sheer amount of wine I drank.

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