After feeling a little slow and sluggish, mentally, I remembered that I had a Nintendo DS, which, hell, I had bought back when I lived in Las Vegas (2002-2005). With it, I had a slew of games, but the Brain Age series came out and I loved it. The game is a series of simple math and word problems along with some seemingly simple puzzles. It allegedly helps activate certain parts of your brain that can stagnate… of course after a few months of it, I totally stopped playing it. I think I got the Wii at a certain point and was like, yeah, big screen gaming rules. So I found the ol’ DS, charged it up and it still worked! Yay! But I knew that there was a newer version of this out and it was getting raves. Rightfully so.
I ended up buying a sweet red Nintendo 3DS on Amazon and had it shipped basically overnight so I’d have it before departing for Denver. I also bought the latest Zelda game (A Link Between Worlds) as it came highly rated; even better is that it plays all my previous DS Games. It still is like a DS with a two-screen setup, the upper screen being slightly bigger than the lower, but the lower is a touchscreen. Sometimes the touchscreen is useful, sometimes not. But in the 3DS, the upper screen displays a 3D image, WITHOUT glasses. It’s a-freakin-mazing. I typically have a little problem seeing 3D movies due to something in my eyesight, but with this, it’s extraordinarily vivid 3D. It’s stereoscopic 3D formed by displaying two images a little bit apart so your eyes combine them. You have to look at the screen at a definite “sweet spot” for the image not to get all messed up. But in that sweet spot, it’s pretty fucking cool. You can also turn off the 3D effect if it’s just getting to be too much.
So I’m in love with this system, and it’s helped make the flights FLY by!!!!