….Photogenic, for one. Seriously, I love TAKING pictures, but jesus pleazus, I am appalling to the human eye in pics, especially lately. And especially when I drink a little. My god, could I get any more damn veins in my head? And oh, maybe I could lather my face in some french fry grease to just make sure I win the GreasyFace2008 Face Of The Year Award. It’s enough to make a person want to say, “No Paparazzi” but when you’re your own Paparazzi, you then look like you’re talking to yourself.
.…Smooth, for another. So it’s been going good with Steve. Really. I know, right? But I seem to have a way with not only never saying the right things but also LOVING to sabotage my own life. Take for example this weekend. We hadn’t planned on seeing each other this weekend as he was supposed to go on a ski trip and that worked out fine because Jason was coming into town for a quick visit with the friends he has out here in NYC (which now includes me!). Then Steve’s ski trip was cancelled, so we could now hang out at least on Saturday. And we did and it was a lot of fun – went to the Guggenheim Museum (my first time there – very cool exhibit there: here’s a link to the Museum’s website where it talks about it in more detail). Anyways, the talk went to some things that I’m apparently retarded about. It’s from lack of experience in these matters, but seriously, I’d really hate to ruin such a great thing I’ve got right now with my retardation. I’m striving not to let it, so I will have to make sure I fight my own tendencies to sabotage my happiness. Stupid Hobie.
….Reliable on a Weekend. You know, I just deleted a whole paragraph of information that I realized I really shouldn’t put online. But needless to say, I’ve got some things that I am learning I better have handy at all times.
…..Unhappy. I’m really not unhappy right now. There’s lots of crap still happening out there in my work and personal life, but compared to where I was a few weeks ago, things aren’t ridiculously shitty. Some things have happened elsewhere that make me realize I need to ‘Be Prepared’. My own interpersonal dealings have made me glad that I tend to be more honest and upfront than not. Even with what I’ve said to Steve, I’m glad I said things rather than not. It’s best to have the more uncomfortable conversations than to try to ignore them.
Okay, that’s all the conclusions I’ve got to the sentence above for now. Here are some pics from this weekend. As I mentioned, I got a chance to see Jason for a few days as he was out in DC for his job this week and then took a bus up here to hang out with his NYC friends (including me!). He’s doing great as usual, and what’s great is that our friendship is always one of those fun things to have.
Here’s to a good week, to me and to everyone out there!