geek stuff just a post

Going Home For Christmas

Made the reservations yesterday – I’m going to be home in LA for Christmas for the first time in a few years. Yay!!!!

It’ll be nice to be back. I know i’ll get to see Mom’s side of the family, but I’m hoping to shoot for seeing some of the Dad side too. I won’t be back too much time though, so I’m definitely going to have to hustle if I wanna try to accomplish all that.

Anyways! So here we are again. How are you? It’s been such a long time. What? I’m a lazy bastard? How dare you say that! I..I, I – well, I resemble that remark! Okay, so my during-the-week updates aren’t exactly something you can set your watch to. Most of the time not much goes on, and this week really didn’t change that too much! I did have a fun Wednesday evening and an awesome Saturday day and evening, so that makes for a good week in my book.

Yesterday I was with Eddie and we went to see Avenue Q – and let me tell you that is a ridiculously funny musical – think a foul-mouthed Sesame Street (include puppets in your thoughts, they’re the stars of the show) with catchy songs that are aimed at teaching adults a thing or two about growing up and living life. It’s awesome. When talking with Eddie and doing a comparison between Wicked and Avenue Q (which is the extent of my true Broadway knowledge), I think Wicked is the more ‘fantastic’ one and has amazing production values, but the songs as a whole are not all that memorable. Avenue Q on the other hand is hilarious and the songs are very much ones that get stuck in your head because they’re so well-done.

As many of you may already know because I sent you an email concerning it, I’ve converted (succumbed) to the iPhone. On Friday, after work, I took a stroll over to Best Buy because I had been going through withdrawals and had to get my fix…and then I realized, why deny myself an iPhone when it is so freakin’ awesome…. so off I went to the AT&T store. I didn’t go to the Apple Store because if you ever have been to one of these stores, you know how ridiculously crowded they can be – now muliply that by 10 and that’s how crowded the NYC ones are. At the AT&T store though, it was very mellow and you get tons of attention and help without a bajillion tourists cramming around you. I was done in 10 minutes or so, including the pre-approval credit check and everything – you’d think for all the money it costs you’d have to spend some more time jumping through hoops, but I guess it’s mainly because you do most of the ‘hard work’ at home when you connect the iPhone to your computer and iTunes. I had to make a decision though, and I decided not to keep my Vegas-based cell phone # anymore. I’ve been living with that for quite a few years now and it just was time to get a more local #. So there I am.

Anyways, this weekend was quite nice and today I got to just stay in, continue re-reading Wicked (I had forgotten how incredible a book it was as I hadn’t read it for Years!), and basically veg around the house. It was glorious. And now I think it’s time to eat some dinner and watch a DVD!

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