I just tried to get
a room on the Strip for the weekend of my birthday: THIS WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!!!
In fact, it was kind of shocking. There's absolutely nothing
reasonably priced available on the strip - I did some digging and found
out that the National Bull Riders Association Finals is happening that
weekend!!! Who the hell gave them permission to use my birthday as their
event???? NO ONE. But regardless, the Strip is booked solid, unless you
can afford $400-600/night. So I made a command decision - the party has
been moved to the next weekend. So now I'm arriving on Thursday,
9 Nov (Jenny's Birthday!) and leaving on Monday, 13 Nov. Also,
I'm staying back at Bally's, and not Paris. I really do apologize if anybody's
actually made reservations already - I know Robbie and Byron are probably
upset with me. I guess I'll be doing some local partying on my actual
Here's some BB7 updating as Season 6 continues it's domination:
- 20 Aug 06
Evicted from the House: Howie (BB6)
New Head of Household (HOH): Mike Boogie (BB2)
Incredible! That's what this season has been - incredible!!!!! So
Chicken George had to put up a replacement nominee because the Veto
King returned to glory and James took himself off the block. That
left Erika all alone and George unsure what to do. First he was
approached by the S6 remnants, and they said he needed to put up
anyone but them. Everyone else said he had to put up Janelle. Dr.
Will recommended to George to put Will up. George was hopelessly
confused and bound by unnecessary attachments to Janelle and Dr.
Will. And after Mike Boogie had the whole 'Red Room Discussion'
with the assembled group, George decided against Will. With that,
George felt he only had one option: Howie.
So of course when James
stepped off the block and George let Howie know he was the one going
up, Howie became Hurricane Howie. What a moron. He really is a tool,
and this game really has lost NOTHING with Howie leaving. I actually
think Janelle can play a better game without that albatross around,
as she doesn't have to worry about him doing/saying/acting stupid
things that could mess up their gameplay. Janelle really has to
work the game now though, as she's pretty much on her own.
What I am intrigued by
is that Mike Boogie won HOH. It'll be interesting to see who he
puts up - and why. We're getting down to so few people left that
there's really not many 'floaters' left; hell, Janelle is a floater
now. It's the Legion of Doom that may need to be cautious now. If
I were Danielle and James, I'd definitely be on the lookout for
a new deal, as I wouldn't trust Chill Town AT ALL!!!!!!!
Tomorrow I am getting Catherine completely detailed inside and out. Then
I go to the car dealership to test drive the Passat and see what kind
of deal can be made. If it's a decent one, or if it's even possible, I
may actually have a new car tomorrow! Guess we'll see.
Lots of things to catch
you up on, but first and foremost, my last day in the Air Force will be
1 Sep 07, or as you civvies call it, September 1, 2007. I
got word on it two weeks ago - had one of those heart-stopping things
happen to me when it all became real - I really AM going to be separated!!!!!!
All the happiness and fear welled up and congealed and stuff, causing
the heart-stopping. I also got my VSP pay-off..well, actually, I won't
get that till I actually separate, but it's nice to know I'll have it.
Kind of a security blanket. Lots of people have advised me to get a tax
advisor for when I get that money, and that's not a bad idea by any means.
If I can avoid paying more taxes than necessary, then good for me!!! (And
more hookers and limos too...)
Alright, so I guess I'll apologize for not updating like I had been in
July. I just got into that rut again. After my Dad and Pat left, I kind
of got into a funk. It had been nice to have family around again. When
it went from people around to back to being lonely again, it kinda sucked.
I didn't do much. My house began to look pretty bad. I got super lazy.
And updating the site really didn't seem like all that much fun. But now
that I have had a few drinks - with Captain Morgan Private Stock no less
(thinking of you, Jason Rubi! - hope you get home from Iraq soon), I have
decided it's time to catch up.
I'm going to work my way backwards, as honestly, I don't think I can
remember all that happened since Dad left. So what did I do today? After
volunteering again at the Habitat for Humanity REstore, in the damned
rain no less, I came back home and showered for nearly 3 hours. At least
I would have, but I did just stand there and let the grime rinse off me.
Blech. I need to volunteer where it's clean and stuff. Anyways, I then
embarked to Lowe's to try to figure out ideas for my bathroom. And I had
some inspiration - and it looks like for about $500, I can get a new bathroom
sink and cabinet, a new mirror/medicine cabinet, a sweet faucet, and some
improved lighting. I'll need to get some tile as well, but it's probably
better to do the hardware replacements first. Here's what I think I'd
like my bathroom to look like, with a new paintjob included. Any comments?

And while I wasn't looking at ways to improve my bedroom just yet, I
was working in the Interior Designer program and toyed with this color
scheme. Actually, I lied - I was looking at replacing the vertical blinds
in my bedroom with wooden horizontal blinds to make it match the furniture
better and to get rid of the blinds that I'm not too fond of in there.
A couple have broken off already when it got too windy in there, so it's
time to do this. So that's what you see in the window section. But I like
a tan color for the walls and I like having a lot of my pictures run along
the wall - I didn't put them along where my dresser was, but I will put
them there too. Here's my idea:

And then I came home and got disgruntled because my friends, at least
those that are in town, didn't want to do anything. So I called Chili's
for food-to-go and when I got there, they hadn't rung up my order. FUCKERS!!!
So I left, got some fast food, and came home. Then I started to think
about this and decided to update the site, and drink of course.
Anyways, the last few weeks at work have been a little bit trying. There's
really not much to do (honestly) and what we do have to do, well, it is
frustrating work because of all the moronic bureaucracy in our higher
leadership. AFSPC is truly an idiotic AF MAJCOM. I yearn for the days
of ACC and USAFE. <sigh> You can tell it's a MAJCOM run by geeks
who have nothing better to do than to figure out ways to make 'processes'
and do paperwork for the sake of paperwork. I try to keep my folks motivated,
but when you are constantly banging your head against a wall trying to
make sense of policies here, you can't help but get aggravated. But I
do my best to put on my most professional smile and press on. Only a year
I started my craps table dealing career shortly after Dad left. That
following weekend was my first time, and it was for a private party at
a VERY nice house up in the Palmer Lake area. That was a great group who
were having a birthday party but also wanting to get ready for an upcoming
trip to Vegas. They wanted to learn craps (only one or two knew how to
play) - so Terry and I were there to run the game and get people experienced.
It's fun to explain the game and get people to understand that while the
Craps layout can seem complicated, there's really only a few things of
consequence to understand. Everything else is just to try to make even
more money (or more accurately, more ways for the casino to take your
money). We were supposed to deal for only two hours, but they loved us
so much that we stayed for another two hours after that. Needless to say,
I was tired after that. That next Tuesday was the event at the Broadmoor
(the Springs' 5ive-Star resort) in which it was a Hold-Em/Craps/LRT tournament
(I have no idea still what LRT is, but it's some game with a die, chips,
and screaming). I ended up being the Stickman at the Advanced table -
and thank God I wasn't having to be one of the Dealers, as they were having
to do some crazy math. These people were most definitely not the Craps
newbies. But again, it was a fun evening, and with this one, it was with
people who were outrageously rich. While they were playing with fake money
that night, they were talking about their other trips to Vegas in which
they dropped $2K... TWO THOUSAND?????? Good night! They were laughing
about it too. <vomit...>
My flight had its Flight Call at the beginning of the month - this one
was planned by me and we went to the local AAA baseball stadium, the Security
Service stadium, home of the Colorado Springs SkySox. It was a Friday
night, so there were fireworks after the game, which was pretty much the
draw, as our team isn't all that good. But the fireworks... DAMN! They
were incredible. And they shoot them right over the stadium, and they
feel like they're right on top of you. Crazy!
Okay, it's time for some pictures!
July 30 - With Dad & Pat at Garden of the Gods |
at the Garden of the Gods |
and Dad |
pretty, lush trail into the Garden |
rocks at the park |
can see the climbers' silhouettes |
city of CS in the distance |
and Pike's Peaks
and the Central Garden area |
nice picture of the trail and a bridge |
family up at the outside of Cheyenne Mountain |
and Dad at the Cheyenne Mountain overlook |
August 1 - At home with Dad & Pat |
planting one of my two new trees |
planting process! |
view of my trees - one day they'll be monstrous! |
givers next to their gifts |
and Ellie |
on the hunt |
TV room - with posters up! Yes, I finally hung them up |
grilling a scrumptous dinner! |
wants to know what the big deal is |
- dinner at my house. I wish I had motivation to do that without
company around |
August 8 - SCB Flight Call at the Skysox Game |
were on the Big Board!!!!!! |
with me, SCB was in those 4 rows |
own Jason Elie got to take part (and lose) in one of the in-between
inning games |
he had made the shot, he would've won $21K |
stands actually filled up fairly decently |
Fireworks!!!!! |
So basically that's the gist of what's been going on. In the next few
months, work will probably become unbearable, as we are having our multiple
inspections in October. Meaning that all the bosses will be so wound up
it will really become unfun for a while. That's why when my birthday party
extravaganza rolls around, it will not only be a celebration of the coolest
birthday ever, it will also be a true unwinding from all the stress of
the past 10 months of inspection prep. God knows I'm not going to miss
that asspain when I'm out of the military.
Speaking of my birthday, here are some dates you can plan around - and
this is not a formal invitation but merely a planning tool. I plan on
arriving in Vegas sometime on Thursday 2 November - my birthday is on
Friday - and then depart probably on Monday, 6 November. I am toying around
with the idea of getting there on Wednesday, but not sure yet. I will
be (hopefully) staying at the Paris Las Vegas - make your reservations
accordingly. The idea was brought up about sharing a room with me - that
idea was quickly shot down. I'm not going to be doing my birthday college-style
- I can afford to do a little bit better than that now. So I will be.
:-) I really hope you're all able to make it!
Here's some BB7 updating as Season 6 continues it's domination:
- Episodes throughout August
Evicted from the House: Diane (BB5), Kaysar
(BB6), Marcellus (BB3)
New Head of Household (HOH): George (BB1)
Nominated for Eviction: Erika (BB4) and James (BB6)
Damn, this season has been getting better and better. Basically,
the Season 6 alliance has had a major fracture. As Janelle's gameplay
has gotten more sporadic, James has gotten more frustrated with
her. Due to his conniving, he's managed to truly break the Season
6 alliance by getting Kaysar backdoored. More importantly though,
James has aligned himself with Danielle and ChillTown (Will and
Boogie) - forming the new secret alliance titled the Legion of Doom.
And Janelle and Howie know nothing about this alliance, although
they certainly have strong mistrust of James nowadays. With all
this maneuvering, it's been quite a show to watch as you see people
getting played over and over.
Some of the interesting
things that I've noticed during the last few weeks:
The Janelle vs. Danielle
War: This is certainly quite the matchup. Both Janelle and Danielle
are masters at this game, and both are ruthless and willing to do
nearly anything to stay in the game. With their open hostility towards
one another, although I think there's grudging respect between them,
it's been quite the battle to watch. But it's not this war that
will actually matter in the end. The battle that is truly going
to matter is this...
The ChillTown Orchestrations:
These guys are seriously playing the entire house. Will openly tells
people to vote him out. They don't. So Will and Boogie make deals
with everyone and everyone believes them. It's brilliant. They're
playing Janelle like a fiddle and she is buying it hook line and
sinker. I do think they're somewhat loyal to the Legion of Doom
alliance, but I don't doubt that if they can get farther without
it, they'll turn on it in a heartbeat. It'll be interesting to see
if people finally realize that going after the floaters, while a
valid strategy, is not the BEST strategy because you've got ChillTown
making you all look like fools.
Erika: How is she still
in this game? She's the Amber (Survivor reference, sorry) of this
season, and for some reason, I think she's going to make it pretty
far. But I guess that all depends on how this week's Double Elimination
Week went!
Chicken George winning
HOH! WTF???? And then what was up with his nominations?????? Erika
and James? I understand the James thing (payback's a bitch!) but
why Erika? I am looking forward to Sunday night's episode.
But that's been the gist
of what's been going on. It's been quite an incredible season to
watch, from it being a sure thing that Season 6 would dominate all
the way through to seeing it crumble; watching Janelle go from the
person to root for (she was AWESOME in Season 6 - but that was compared
to the completely evil Friendship from that season) to wondering
what the hell is wrong with her!
So, Jenny, I know that
you're probably the only person who reads this red block of fun.
Sorry for being so quiet on my BB7 thoughts the past few weeks!
I got your email on Friday - another little push to get me back
to my website. |
OH Yeah!!! I'm seriously considering selling my car again. I went to
the VW dealership last week and fell in love with '06 Passats. The black
one I saw made me all tingly inside. Now I just have to see what kind
of deal they'll make me for my Jetta. If it sucks, I will be trying to
sell it privately. I'm getting Catherine fully detailed, interior and
exterior, next week and then take a lot of pictures of her for my online
ad at cars.com. I can get about $12K for her and that would definitely
be awesome.