Not too surprising, especially after
the votes were shown
widdle Ashlee got voted out. My initial reaction was of shock,
and of conspiracy, and of anticipated-drama for next week....but
then I waited to see how the votes played out, and it was
6-1-1 vote split, with Ashlee getting the 6 votes. Before
I saw that, I started to hypothesize that one of the Angie-James-Ashlee-Stephenie
alliance had betrayed it, as if Ibrehem (aka NoScreenTime
aka Uninteresting cast member) had voted for Kim, shouldn't
that have made 5 votes for Kim? But with that vote for Jeff,
it was confusing. Alas, it all made sense when you saw that
everyone but Ashlee and Ibrehem voted for Ashlee. Ashlee's
alliance must have let her know she was getting voted out,
and she must have been okay with that, as her vote was for
Jeff. What does this mean for the future? Ibrehem is obviously
not in the loop at all. And the rest of the tribe must have
figured that Kim is a stronger person to have, well, at least,
hopefully she is, when she decides to participate in challenges.
Ulong at least won something though...
And that was pretty cool to watch, especially with Angie
coming in and saving the day. Like I predicted last week,
even though she was on the chopping block the first time,
that was because no one knew each other and picking the oddball
is usually the easiest thing to do at the beginning. But she
more than proved that she's worth keeping around. Good for
her. That reward challenge was pretty cool though. I was just
shocked at how pitiful the guys on Koror were during that
one. I mean, Janu kicked some serious ass, but Ian couldn't
get across once, and then falls at the VERY END? Psh. And
what's with Katie unable to do a freaking ROPE SWING? I mean,
puhlease. And Coby's just getting more and more on my nerves,
as is Caryn. Just the previews for next week make me dislike
her. But I'm sure it's just editing (eyes rolling).
Impressed with Operation Flint
I have to admit I am impressed by Koror's ability to get
that flintbox back. But could the odds have been any better
that the team had a dolphin trainer who could probably hold
his breath extremely long? Good odds.
And then we had the Immunity Challenge
Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch. What the hell was with Ulong? Seriously!
They had a lead, and then they just crapped out. I was shocked
at how pitiful the guys were doing, and they are all the young
strong ones. Hell, Stephenie was making them look bad by at
least trying harder than they were. And what's with Ibrehem?
Did he even try to move the box? Very disappointing effort,
especially considering that Koror's Tom almost single-handedly
got the box for them.
Final Thoughts
I really am torn by the two teams, as to who I am rooting
for. Honestly, I like Ulong, but it's probably because we
have gotten to see them interact much more than Koror due
to the sheer fact of their losingness. I guess to be truly
honest, I just like a few people on the tribe: primarily Stephenie
and Angie. James is growing on me, but the others I'm not
too sure about. Jeff seems a little like a jerk, Kim appears
useless, Ibrehem IS useless, and Bobby Jon just doesn't impress
As for Koror, I really am surprised how much I like Janu.
She was the first one to finally make it across for Koror
in the reward challenge, and she isn't a diva like I thought
she would be (like Sarah in Marquesas). If we could just reorganize
the tribes so that Janu, Angie, Stephenie, Tom, and Katie
(she can't swing a rope, but what the hell) were on a tribe,
that would be cool.
I just wonder if Ulong is now going to get their act together.
By next week's preview, it looks like more setbacks for them
with jerky Jeff hurting himself. Vote him off!
Other's Thoughts:
speaks - Bring it On!!!!:
It's Survivor Time!!
Ouch! This challenge looks like it could be painful, but winning
the fishing gear may not be so wonderful if you have no fire
to cook it...
Like I said, it sure does look painful this challenge. Katie
is having some issues with that rope, huh? Angie has definitely
proven that she is good at (this) challenge. I like her even
if she is different. So, Coby is truly a fag, huh? Getting
centered before he takes a step and falls flat on his ass.
Hee, hee! Good job Ulong! I think I like them and that's the
team I'll stick with. I liked them before because of Angie
anyway. Coby is just a shit for turning his back on her, man.
Squirrel is right, this place is beautiful! The under water
shots are amazing! Poor Ian, he's just killing himself to
get that flint, but it will help him in the end by keeping
him in the game. I'm impressed with his endurance and determination
to get the box. And it worked!
You know, there is always someone who won't eat the food they
get. This chick needs to get over whatever her deal is. And
PLEASE!!! Not another Romber! I do not want to see this sappy
crap again. It's a cut-throat game, man. Not a singles bar.
Immunity Challenge is on. Morse code, yuck!! Koror has the
right idea about having 2 people work on the pulling together.
But Tom is the one who is "doin' id" New Yoork in
da houzzzz!! They have got to be tired! But I am impressed
once again with the teamwork of the Koror team. That's one
thing that Ulong has to get together.
I have to agree with the "smart people" about voting
people out. Kim is an ASSET as this point, Ashley is physically
not doing anything. Get the weakest out first and keep your
strong for the TEAM challenges. These "young" people
just don't think straight sometimes when it comes to these
things. And why does Jeff always have to "call people
out" at the tribal council? I think this is the part
that needed to be removed from the show... oooo, cool to see
that Jeff just got knocked down a peg by getting a vote. I
think he needed to see his name on parchment to see that what
is said at the tribal council can come back and bite you.
Ashley was the right choice. She was not a real part of the
group. She was being a loner and just gave the body language
that she didn't want to be there. You know that is the kiss
of death in this game. BUT, Kim, my dear, look out... if you
don't start contributing to the challenges too, you're gone
too. No matter what Jeff does for you, you are a target.
That's my take after an exhausting week - thank God it's a
"down Friday" tomorrow...
Love ya!
- Byron chimes in.....:
Yeah, I'll chime in all right!
The most disturbing thing about this
week's episode was the failure of Hobie's Hotline. So I didn't
watch it until today but already knew what was going down
because I foolishly looked at an update and BAM! There's Ashlee's
face right at the top. What a silly squirrel I've been.
As for the actual episode...
The reward challenge was awesome. My
girl Angie kicked ass!!! What the hell was with the drama
of some tribe members getting all pissed off with the sandbags
hitting them though? That's what the challenge is about and
if I were there, I'd be trying to knock your scrawny ass off
too! I can't believe how much trouble Katie had with the rope
swing. I was a little amazed to see blood oozing from the
chest of one member (I forget which) too. Tough challenge.
Doesn't matter, Angie assured her place in the tribe and I'm
I'm a little curious just how long
Koror actually searched for the flint. I'm pretty sure they
had a little help going back to the right spot. Doesn't matter,
they did great recovering it. Coby is starting to get on my
nerves though. No matter, as a team, when it comes to immunity,
they are thinking and working better than Ulong. I thought
for sure Ulong was going to start walking away with everything
but I was surprised.
And now for the OHN moment!
Kim and Jeff?!? OH HELL NO!!!! That
crap has to be broken up immediately! I will not sit through
another Romber season. I'm glad they all recognized it right
away. I think Jeff and/or Kim saw the Romber strategy and
were thinking about making it happen but it's way to early.
At the immunity challenge Probst started to call Jeff and
Kim out for their snuggles and asked Kim if she thought that
might hurt her rather than help. I think Kim saved herself
when she replied that it didn't occur to her until that moment
that it would be perceived as a bad thing. (Ya THINK?) I'll
give her that. She probably wasn't thinking about the hook
up but she better distance herself from Jeff right now or
one of them is gone and she's the weaker of the two right
In the end, I'm glad they got smart
and booted the weak link. Ashlee obviously didn't want to
be there anymore so off you go. This game is going to be about
keeping the strong and not letting the weak tag along. I'm
It's got me for another week.