Survivor: Guatemala

Hobie's Take on Season 11 of this amazing series!

Ep7: Party Time

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Bobby Jon







Adios Amy

I was duped, once again, by the producers. I totally thought that Amy had pulled off a lucky coup and managed to swing everyone on NewYaxha against Bobby Jon. After all, they should have turned on him at this point. With 10 people left after the eviction this episode, it's pretty much a sure thing (although with Survivor, you never know....) that the merge is about to happen. So you know what that means? Time to get rid of those who could kick your ass in an individual immunity challenge. Bobby Jon IS one of those who can get rid of you in such a challenge. Amy, while full of heart, has an inherent disadvantage due to her injury. My thinking: keep the gimp, get rid of the strong guy. But that's just me. Sorry Amy! It looked like even Gary wants you gone. And oh yeah, I can't wait to see the pounding she gives Gary at the reunion show. I actually would be afraid of her.

Interesting Reward Challenge

I must say that was a first reward challenge I've seen like that - wrapping yourself in ribbon just to unwrap later. But it did show that if you had poor planning on how to set yourselves up for easy unraveling, you'd make a mistake - as is what happened on NewNakum when they fell over and panicked. I did have to give props for an original challenge - finally. But I don't know how worth it the reward was - will chocolate jack up your digestive system when you've had nothing else to eat? That's one thing that CBS rarely shows you - which is a good thing - but you don't see much about when they can't take a dump or when they suddenly have nauseating diarrhea. Okay, I don't really want to see that, but you know they're going to be affected by that. Anyways..... (I've even grossed myself out)

First Unofficial Unification Party. Ever.

That was pretty cool of Danni to host a birthday party and invite the other team over into their pool. Talk about building bridges and becoming a friend. Even though some will profess otherwise, you don't really want to vote out your friends, or at least those you perceive as a friend. And I have a feeling that the Nakum tribe will gladly vote others on Yaxha out over Danni for a little bit because of her gesture. It did come across as sincere though - even though Jamie didn't feel that love at all. That was funny when he was like, 'Well, it's time to go!' Like Stephenie foretells, I think there will be sparks between him and her soon. Yay! Survivor drama is always a lot of fun!

Puzzle Mayhem

Not sure how close it actually was in this immunity challenge, especially after Nakum took a 2-piece advantage. But Nakum kicked Yaxha's booty in this one, and it put Yaxha back at tribal council, where Amy's plan to oust Bobby Jon didn't come to fruition. But this time definitely shows you that Bobby Jon had better be careful, as should Stephenie. These guys don't feel the love for the second-chancers, and when they need an easy eviction, don't be surprised to see Stephenie or Bobby Jon written on a lot of cards.

Final Thoughts

So, we've reached the merge! A surprising time to do the merge, at least in terms of the actual time it was done, which was right after the tribal council. And by previews for next week, the other team doesn't look like they're excited about having this merge upon them so quickly. Excellent.....


Other's Thoughts:

C-Money speaks!!!!!!

As I thought, Judd would go back to the home camp and started saying he's a really great guy. I figured he would. What else would a "Yankee" say, eh? Yaxha didn't say anything about voting out Brian. I guess he didn't mean very much to that tribe, like Brian had thought to himself.

The reward challenge. How gay was that??? Twirl yourself around, wrapping material around yourself. Move to another pole and another person and wrap again. Etc. Now after all that, unwrap! Didn't seem like a tough challenge. Didn't look too diffucult if you had a plan to have everyone facing in the same direction while wrapping up. But each team did the same thing, just spin in circles. Now to unwrap it takes longer. Yaxha did close to what I would have done, making it easier to unwrap. So, they win the challenge... Swing through the jungle on a wire and then eat up on some chocolate!! Wouldn't get me on that wire for a million dollars... no way. And to eat all that chocolate? I would puke for sure!

Now, how sweet is that for Yaxha to invite Nakum over for a pool party??? What a different thing to do. Some where cool with it and some where just plain old pissed off at the whole thing. Jamie has some kind of issues, doesn't he? I didn't like him before and I really don't like him now. He's got like this serial killer look to him, I have yet to see him smile and he doesn't talk at all unless it's negative. I kind of agree with Stephanie about standing up to him when he goes on his tirades... "We were getting too friendly with them, it was time to go". Like he's the "dad" or something, or maybe the possesive boyfriend/husband... That's it!! He's a wife-beater!!

Did they even give Danni any chocolate? God, she it nothing but bones...

Immunity challenge was a puzzle. A big one. Plus playing in the sand. It was actaully an exciting challenge for me. It's something I can do. I'm great at puzzles... so it was cool. To see Nakum win was also nice, although, I like Amy too and would hate to see her voted out of Yaxha. I hope they don't, but we all know it's Survivor and I never get the votes right...

So after the comercial, I see they tried to make me believe that Bobby John would be voted out... Of course they voted out Amy and that makes me sad. Even though she was injured, TWICE, she stayed with it and participated and didn't whine and cry like the last guy who rolled his ankle (I don't even remember his name, he was that much of a baby).

BUT, to merge the tribes at tribal council?? That was different and shocked me. So now the game is on!!

Byron chimes in?

Linus laments?

Mom mumbles?

Fox pontificates?

Robbie ruminates?


CBS Official Site: Ep7 - Official pics, overview, etc.

Ep7:Who Deserves it More? (RNO) - RNO Episode Summary

SOS, Ep7: Please Don't Tease (RNO) - Survivor Strategy analysis

Why Amy Lost (RNO)

Interview with Amy (RNO)










