T h e J o u r n a l - O C T O B E R 2 0 0 6 |
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30 October 2006 What a month! (T-305) |
Seriously, don't really want to repeat October 2006 again. UNFUN. Where do I begin? I guess I'll try to start from where I left off in September. I went to Alabama, which was a lot of fun. SMSgt Peele graduated as a Distinguished Graduate, so good for her. My whirlwind trip was over as soon as it began though, and then when I got back I rebuilt my spankin' new gaming rig. It rocks. I had some minor things to work out while building it, and successfully resolved them so that my PC works works works. And that was pretty much the end of the good times. I won't even begin to go into what began the spiral of doom, but it was not fun to deal with. Then our UCI and ORI began. I got relegated to night shifts. And it kept kinda changing. So I was always tired, but also not really not a very strong part of the flight during this time. So I felt pretty bad about being not there. So two weeks went by and I finally got to return to my normal hours. And then even more fun began. My first day back, and in the midst of trying to avoid some writeups in the Info Assurance program, two of my folks had a complete shouting match in my office. It only gets better. On the Monday following the ORI/UCI, we got our results - an Excellent overall. Sweet. We got the rest of that day off. Then on Tuesday, I was handed three letters of complaint against me. Big fun, I tell ya. That happened on my Mom's birthday, and it was all I could do not to freakin' cry over the phone, but I didn't want to do that on her day. So basically, it's been a whole lot of fun in October. I've obviously given you the most concise version possible. If I had been writing about this during the actual events, I'm sure you'd be reading a whole LOT more from me. But the last week hasn't been so bad. I got to experience my first official blizzard here in Colorado Springs. I have pictures from it, because it was pretty cool. Then on Saturday, we had a Halloween party. I was a bowling cowboy. I was also a raging alcoholic. And I paid for it all Sunday. Blech. Haven't vomited like that in a while. Ech. And oh yeah, I turn 30 on Friday. I don't even think I care anymore. It's only 30. I just want ski season to start and then I suddenly want it to be September 2007. I mean, I want out so bad it's not even funny. Anyways, I just wanted to finally update - I do have pictures to post, but that will have to wait for a little bit longer. I promise to have it up...before my birthday!!! Speaking of which, the thing that has REALLY been keeping me sane is that I'm going to Vegas in a few short weeks. Sweet. So, was it really worth the wait? Probably not. But maybe the promise of pictures in the next update will satisfy???? Eh, probably not...