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Uchenna & Joyce

Ron & Kelly

Rob & Amber

Meredith & Gretchen

Lynn & Alex

Brian & Greg

Ray & Deana

Susan & Patrick

Debbie & Bianca

Megan & Heidi

Ryan & Chuck

2 places

No change

2 places

1 place

7th Eliminated

6th Eliminated
5th Eliminated
4th Eliminated
3rd Eliminated

2nd Eliminated

1st Eliminated

The Eighth Leg - Part 2

My Theory Just Crapped Out!!!!!! Oh yeah, Namaste, Lynn & Alex!

I can't believe I was wrong. I thought for sure the background theory was foolproof, as it seemed to make logical sense that Meredith and Gretchen were next to go....after all, they did abysmally on the first part of this leg, and THEN they did the elephant challenge so stupidly with Gretchen getting IN the elephant. Hello.....? I must admit shock though at how close they were after that challenge, even passing Lynn & Alex on their way to the camel race. So then we get to the end, and Lynn and Alex go ... to ... the .... wrong ... palace. WTF? The editing made it look close, but when you saw the visual distance between the two palaces, that taxi ride must have taken forever. Lynn & Alex, you played a good game, but that bad taxi ride did you in.

Lucknow, India to Jodhpur, India

This was a good episode. It had drama, comedy, and surprise, especially the ending.

- First off, a 24-hour train ride? OUCH. That would be amazingly boring and aggravating. And it doesn't even look that far on the map. Of course the editing made it seem like 5 minutes of travel, but that alone was probably the most exhausting part of the entire race, so far. I remember the train rides in Europe, and a few hours could seem like forever.

- Are all Fast Forwards going to involve head shaving? It was two seasons ago when the Christian models refused to shave their heads. That was hilarious when the chick just started bawling tears. But this season...? We get Joyce, who is so freakin' cool. She knew it had to be done as there was no time to waste after how long it took to get there. She was a trooper, and Uchenna was the perfect mate, supporting her and providing tons of encouragment. This is the team I want to win.

- The camel race was hilarious. I can't believe Amber got right to the finish line and the camel decides to turn around. Priceless. It seemed all the camels had severe reluctance in performing that race.

So my conclusion last week that Meredith and Gretchen were destined to be eliminated next was totally wrong; in fact, they made Amazing Race history by being the oldest couple to get as far as they have. I'm curious to see how much further they can go, but like I mentioned above, I am totally pulling for Uchenna & Joyce. Only two more episodes to go (I think....)!


Others' Thoughts:

Robbie Returns to Hobiespace!


Linus watches The Amazing Race too!


Official CBS Amazing Race Website: Episode 8(CBS.com)