It looks like Stephanie has a fightin'
Coby, Coby. You had an awful lot of power going into this
episode. Gregg and Jenn wanted you around to get the minority
votes (you, Caryn, and Janu) so that you all could oust the
powerful Koror majority and make it your Final 5. And like
I predicted back when Gregg made that deal, that wasn't good
enough. You opened your mouth to the wrong people at the wrong
time and in the wrong manner, and were promptly booted out.
Over Janu of all people. You became the wildcard that was
a little too wild and that made people afraid. So your statement
that you got voted out because you were a threat was somewhat
accurate; you threatened everyone's plans and presented them
an easy target for this first vote. Pulling Stephenie aside
and telling her everything, in front of everyone, was not
a good move. So Coby, you were voted out, over of all people,
Janu, who was practically begging to be voted out, and Stephenie,
who in my mind should have been voted off, although I love
her to pieces.
So now it's the mighty Koror tribe
Another first: no new tribe name for these fine folks. Instead,
since Koror Ulonged Ulong, they just get to keep their name.
Sounds logical to me! It is entertaining to see how Jenn feels
all threatened by her 'rival', but let's be serious, Jenn
was never a match for Stephenie, but if Jenn doesn't watch
it, Stephenie will be able to get rid of Jenn first. So game
on for those two. I'm surprised that Ian, Tom and Katie are
willing to have a Final Four alliance with Stephenie. I guess
they realize she has no alliances with anyone else, so why
not? And while I do think she is(was) an easy first vote,
the more I think about it, the better an alliance-partner
she is, because she has no past alliances to consider. She's
desperate to stay in the game, so why not keep her around?
Final Thoughts
Writing this all so much later after the episode aired is
definitely not good for remembering all the stuff, but I was
pleased by the episode. I'm glad (and surprised) Stephenie
is still around. I'm stoked that the real game of Survivor,
the politics, is now in full force. Koror is now finally facing
the inevitable implosion that all previous tribes have had
to deal with. Basically, this season of Survivor is going
to be like two first halves of any other season stuck one
after the other. There's not going to be any tribal defections
as there's no 'other' tribe to defect from. This second half
of Survivor is basically just going to be what Koror would
normally have done in the first half. Interesting.
Other's Thoughts:
speaks - Hey Hobie!:
Iiiiiiiitttttssss SURVIVOR
TIME!!! (break it down...)
A tribe of one, how long do you think it will last? Will they
merge? Will Stephanie have to compete alone? What will happen
now??? Let's see...
Starting out with Stephanie feeling sorry for herself. Don't
give up hope, girl, you can make it... With Koror, you can
tell people are ready to get others out of there. Coby is
a hairdresser right? So the girls must be loving having him
around, Caryn sure is. Although, having your hair washed is
one of the best experiences there are. Guys wouldn't understand
that. I think I would be so heartbroken if that map and note
in tree mail was just for Stephanie to visit the Koror tribe,
not to merge.
Cool! It is a merge! Yay! Let's hope that the game has finally
begun! Look at Coby, he's ready to start pulling Steph into
his little devious mind. Katie and Jen are just all happy
she's there too. Jenn is only happy so she can stab Steph
in the back and Katie just needs someone to talk to since
Janu lost her mind. And look at Tom, showing what Coby has
been talking about for a while now. I guess Coby is considered
a "girl" too, huh? Now that the tribe is merged,
we finally get to see the drama at the Koror tribe. To watch
Tom all shit-faced is pretty funny! But, it looks like Steph
is accepted well into Koror and the real drama will begin.
So Coby lays it out for Steph. I like it, but didn't that
hurt Shii Ann before? Hmmm... Is this wise? We shall see.
So, Steph goes and tells everyone about it. Then, here comes
Tom. There is his story to her. So, is she drinking this all
in or is she going to use this information WISELY? Again,
we shall see. Time for the immunity challenge.
This challenge reminds me of another. Another where 2 young,
skinny, bony, sad looking ladies disrobed for chocolate and
peanut butter. Who will be the first to be tempted? Coby goes
in for the donuts (well Janu would have probably been the
first anyway). And the way he is teasing the others... so
cruel! And Ian quotes those young ladies I mentioned earlier.
Chocolate chip cookies and milk and 4 people bail??? How sad!
Didn't they watch the other Survivors? Don't they know that
there will BETTER stuff coming? Pizza was the thing that got
the others. Tom wins. I think I may be seeing the trend begin
with who will win immunity challenges. I also did not like
the look that Katie gave to Steph and Caryn when they won
the pizza. Did you see it? Not very nice for a "friend",
huh? So Tom is safe, will they get rid of Janu? Will they
get rid of Coby? Will they vote out Steph? Who will it be,
I like the fact that Janu admits to being ready to go. I wonder
if the rest of the tribe will help her out? Ian is pretty
tired of Coby's whining, so it was easy to see him put Coby's
name down, but does that mean that Tom is with him on that?
I see the whole tribe agreed with Ian on that one. Sorry Coby,
but you were pretty mouthy lately and not being quiet about
it either. I guess Janu didn't "ask" to be voted
out as loudly as she wanted to. SO she has to endure a few
more days before she gets to go home. Next time, TELL THEM
you want to go. Just tell them.
Next week look pretty interesting. Who ever the first person
to bail out is going to "castaway" to live alone?
Talk to you next week!!
Comments - Ep 9:
To steal a line from the "Incredibles":
Finally, there was an episode that concentrated on the interplay
between the people and the strategies they were working on.
I'm glad the writers finally took pity upon Steph and merged
her into the other tribe. I wonder if they knew this sort
of thing would happen or when they saw it happen, they molded
things to ensure the string of failures continued. No matter,
Steph is in Koror and she's going to have far more power than
I think even she realizes.
I was surprised to see Steph dive in the water for pizza but
she must have felt there were others (Coby/Janu) that were
far more vulnerable. Coby had to know he was going to be on
the chopping block by taking Steph aside to give her the 411.
Janu is a lazy (expletive deleted) so I knew she was going
to be considered too. In the end, I'm sorry to see Coby go
however. I like the drama and turmoil he brings to the tribe.
Now, if all the episodes were like this, then it will be an
exciting season to watch. Figures! Survivor finally does it
the way I like it and I'm off on an extended vacation where
I won't be able to watch. Bastards!
The Squirrel Has Spoken
-> Linus:
Official Site: Ep9 - Still have to say that CBS is providing
some amazing supplemental stuff to watch online, if you have
a broadband connection that is. Visit and enjoy!
"I'm Baitman!" (RNO) - Episode Recap
Coby Lost (RNO)
Overview Ep 9: Coupling (RNO)
for the Remaining 8 (RNO)