Jury |
But, for some reason, I don't despise
Janu, like say..... Osten!
Janu Janu! I don't despise what you did nearly as much as
I did when Osten quit in the Pearl Islands because let's face
it: Osten quit because he acted like a skinny little girl.
You quit because you are a skinny little girl and frankly,
you knew you weren't liked around camp and knew you had no
hope of ever winning. I even will give you props for realizing
that you knew you had achieved what you wanted to, and I'll
be more than happy to admit that you did pretty good for someone
as skinny as you. I'm disappointed that you weren't able to
keep it together, because you started off very strong, and
you still even kicked butt in the challenges, including this
episode. I am glad that you decided to do what you did and
when you did, because I couldn't take it if my girl were to
be voted out, and Hobie is definitely happy now that......
Stephenie's still here and Koror,
look out!
Based on the previews for next week and by what Janu just
did, the guys are in a world of hurt. The weakest member is
gone now and your chief female rival, Stephenie, is still
here and is now on the rampage to stay in the game after once
again being so close to getting voted out. She knows she has
to turn things around and she has to do it now. If I were
her, I would focus my sights on Greg NOW. I don't like him
at all (I respect his gameplay, make no mistake, but when
he's targeting my girl, it's ON), and he needs to go if Stephenie
is going to survive. Once his dissension is gone, Tom and
Ian will more than likely keep Stephenie around till the final
4 and Jennifer and Caryn will drop by the wayside on the way
there. I was in agony when Stephenie started crying at Tribal
Council, because it WAS going to be her tonight. She is so
lucky. I want her to win so bad, but something tells me she
will have to fight for the Final 4 at every step and she'll
never be able to trust anyone. That's okay, a million dollars
will help you chill out.
Those Challenges
The tower challenge was cool, but c'mon, how freakin' cool
was that drowning challenge? Janu gave up quite easily, but
Jeff was being evil! In a side note, I think it would have
been cool to go and be on your island for a little bit. Obviously
it would hurt someone's standing if they were precarious,
but Janu wasn't precarious at all. She was out. So no big
loss, and she got to have some renewed faith in herself. But
back to the challenge. How did Tom's head stay above water
so long? I really suspect that his end of the cage was higher,
because I just don't see how while everybody else was underwater,
he still had plenty of room. Maybe it's a factor of head sizes.
I'd be screwed.
Final Thoughts
Awesome episode. I didn't expect Janu to quit and fully expected
and dreaded Stephenie's removal. Yay for full reversals on
those expectations. Next week definitely looks like the game
is on - if Stephenie can create a women's coalition and one
that actually stays together (I hope you all learned from
Vanuatu), then it would be interesting to see them pick off
the men one-by-one. I'm just interested on if they pick off
Tom or Greg first, immunity not withstanding.
Other's Thoughts:
speaks - Howdy!:
Wow, after a long week at
work and a very good squadron picnic (where I ended up with
a Pie in my Face, as usual), I get home and find out the roast
that I had planned on cooking in the crock pot all day had
been unplugged by one of my wonderful children this morning
before he had left for school. So, here I sit, waiting for
my dinner to get done and hoping this episode will be a good
So far, pretty good. Janu is flipping out and Katie is getting
all bent out of shape about it. I like the fact that the drama
has finally begun. So we begin with the reward challenge.
And, oh what a surprise, Janu and Caryn are doing nothing
to help with the challenge. Just sitting there and hoping
that Tom and Greg will get things done. This challenge is
brutal! That stuff looks exhausting, I'm about to fallout
just watching all the swimming, climbing, carrying. Man. Janu,
what's up with this??? You are actually working for this win?
I cannot believe that you even contributed. Of course, editing
kept their eye on her. Katie as well or lack of her participation.
Gotta have that instigation going, huh? So, Tom, Greg, Caryn
and Janu win a feast, booze and just a good time. Janu ends
up puking (hey Robbie, did you get to see it???) After all
that eating and puking they bring some food back to the others
and Janu digs in with them!!! How rude!! That is just plain
old tacky. Then Caryn goes and helps herself too! Haven't
you had enough??? Good grief!
On to immunity (dinner is just about done - woohoo!!) Holy
crap! If you can handle drowning, you win. If you can't, you
will be deserted on another part of the island. Man, this
one is very creative. Janu is the first one to bail (of course)
and then Jeff calls everyone out for laughing at her. I like
the fact that he did that. Showed how rude they were being
to her even if she is a wuss. I don't know about you, but
it seemed like the ladies' side was a little lower than the
guys side of that thing. Tom wins again. If they can keep
him from winning one of these, they HAVE to get rid of him.
So now what happens to Janu? Where will she go? How will she
make it and she is STILL eligible to be voted out tonight.
So, Gregg gets the rest of the tribe to change their minds
and see Stephanie for what she is, a threat. Helps them decide
that she is the one to go. Janu does a great job of making
fire, has some kind of epiphany and is ready to leave now.
Tribal Council was very odd. Lasted a long time and Jeff was
doing one hell of a job getting people to talk. Stephanie
knew she was going, brought out the water-works and said her
peace. Janu basically said she's lay her torch down so Stephanie
could stay and Steph changes her mind, "Don't do it for
me... do it for yourself". Either way, Janu did. Steph
stays (and better take advantage of it), and I'm wondering
if this is a first? Is this the first time someone laid their
torch down? Outside of All Star game.
So, next week, things will be interesting. Steph can no longer
trust anyone, how will she handle it? Have a good week!!
Comments - Ep 10:
-> Linus:
Official Site: Ep10 - Still have to say that CBS is providing
some amazing supplemental stuff to watch online, if you have
a broadband connection that is. Visit and enjoy!
"Survivor Isn't Always About Fairness" (RNO) -
Episode Recap
Overview Ep 10: The Princes and the Couple (RNO)