Caryn tried but failed to change things
honestly didn't know who was going to be voted out at the
Tribal Council as we were heading towards the end of the episode.
I really thought that Ian was gone, as honestly, the women
should still have taken advantage of the numbers and ousted
Ian. But alas, I think Caryn's instability did her in. She
wouldn't make a firm commitment to one alliance or the other,
at least it appeared that way. Also, I believe that Katie's
willingness to trust Ian over her arch-rival Caryn won out,
and Katie is just going to go for the Final 4 and see how
it goes. I will give Caryn props for her performance at Tribal
Council though. She didn't pull any punches and threw the
door wide open on everything that had hapened, politicswise.
Sort of a Shii-Ann move there, but a tad more hysterical.
I don't know if Caryn knew she was on her way out, (I didn't)
but everyone else voted for her, so I'm thinking she must
have known something.
The emotions of Ian and Katie
So how sweet was the Corvette that Ian won? That's almost
$100K right there, isn't it? Okay, maybe not that much, but
still, it's definitely an expensive, sweet car. But Ian, why
oh why did you take Tom on the reward with you? You and Tom
even talked about what to do if either of you were to win
the reward. Didn't you learn from last week's mistake made
by Gregg? So the three chicks are allowed to conspire, and
while I never got a warm fuzzy that those chicks could ever
agree to work together, they still should never have been
allowed the time to ponder it. Whatever. Caryn got hers in
the end.
So once Ian gets back, Katie has all these emotions and refuses
to talk to Ian. What, are they a couple now? Even after watching
it, I'm still not sure what they were discussing or crying
about. Katie was hurt about something, and Ian and Katie started
getting teary-eyed, Ian was willing to quit (yeah, sure...),
and for some reason, they moved past it. Drama over... at
least until tribal council.
A Shii-Ann Tribal Council
Much like Shii-Ann did in AllStars, Caryn decided to blow
the roof off of all the deals that had gone on. I think the
jury enjoyed it, and I certainly did as well. I'm guessing
that Caryn realized she was going, and was hoping that maybe
with what she was revealing, it might possibly sway votes.
But after it all, it just ironed out that Caryn will never
shut her trap about plans. So don't trust her. And everyone
wrote her name down, and that was that.
Final Thoughts
Bring on the Season Finale! This has been a truly entertaining
season to watch. I really don't know who will make it to the
Final 2. If the challenges are strength based like they have
been for the majority, it seems like Tom is a lock for the
Final 2. But with the previews guaranteeing a shocking next
phase after the first vote, I'm left to wonder WTF? So we'll
Other's Thoughts:
speaks - 2 More to Go!:
Well, we are down to the final
2 shows. I don't know what I'll do without my survivor for
a while, but you know I'll still be hanging at Hobie's website...
So we start out with Jenn being upset that Gregg is gone.
She handled it well back at camp and Ian is such a push over
that he believes she isn't upset about it. Jenn asks Ian and
Katie if they want to take out Tom. Ian is so stupid, he doesn't
see that Tom will win in the end no matter what. Katie listens
and rolls her eyes. All this going on while Tom plays with
Caryn on the beach. He tells her he wants Jenn and Katie out
of the game, but I think he's just trying to get Caryn to
stick with him and Ian instead of going with the ladies.
The challenge. Win a new Chevy Corvette!! Sweet! Match mileage
chips with cities. Tom and Ian are the first ones out to get
the chips. They have to paddle out to some posts with the
tiles on each one. They can only bring back one bag of chips
at a time, so it's looks tiring. Looks like Ian may take this
one if he guesses the distances right. And Ian has it right
on the first try and wins the gorgeous car. Good deal. He
will probably get to pick someone to join him and he picks
Tom. Which is what Tom did NOT want him to do. I think I know
what Katie will be getting emotional about from the previews
last week.
So, according to the guys, they have to get back to the original
alliance (Tom, Ian and Katie). Katie IS bent out of shape.
Back at camp all the stuff gets brought out. Jenn finds out
that Katie, Ian and Tom had an alliance. She's a little shocked.
So, now the ladies decide that they are going to make their
own alliance and one of the guys is going. Caryn (of course)
says to the camera "I'm not really sure I want to do
this..." When the guys get back, Caryn confronts them
about their alliance with Katie. Gosh, she is so dumb. Tom
says she's a lost vote and if she sticks with the guys, she's
stupid... Ian tells Katie he needs to talk to her and she's
too pissed at him, but gives in after he makes a fool of himself
in front of everyone. They end up fighting and both crying.
Man, do we HAVE to watch this??? He promises her he'll do
his damnedest not to be stupid again. Yeah, like that will
Day 36, immunity challenge on the horizon. It opens from the
commercial with Caryn and Tom chatting about what Katie's
wishes are. So, she tells Tom everything. She is SO stupid...
So, Tom runs to Katie to find out what's up. Lot's of drama
here, but it's more-or-less pissing me off. Just play the
effin' game, man!!! Tom is beginning to get mean, so he is
making it easier for Katie to want to vote against him. He
tells Ian they need to threaten her back. HOW ARE YOU GOING
TO DO THAT? She's voting one of your asses out, take it like
Memory puzzle for the immunity challenge after running an
obstacle course. Tom and Ian back first to work on their puzzle,
but they seem to be doing the puzzle one line at a time. This
would kill me, not the puzzle but the obstacles. Jenn is taking
her time, but Tom is the first to really think he had it.
He wins immunity after having a few pretty good tumbles off
the course. So with Tom winning, will Ian be on the chopping
block or will Caryn wimp out AGAIN and side with the guys?
Boy, Tom thinks he is the whole reason Ian is still around
and maybe he is, but Ian has won a few more immunities. We
see Ian and Katie sitting on the beach together. I wonder
if it's goodbye or if it's more conspiring. Caryn says she's
wondering if she and Jenn made a mistake. Do we really think
she is going to vote with the girls? Boy, these editors are
a pain in the ass. More crap from Jeff about how Ian wronged
Katie. Just get on with it, will you. Wait, Caryn starts telling
ALL the stuff about alliances... do you think maybe ALL of
them will vote HER out? She says all the stuff in front of
the jury for them to hear it. Maybe it's a good thing too.
Then Tom goes and turns in Caryn for her lies. Man this is
awesome!!!! Ian and Tom trying to make themselves look good.
Jenn is getting an earful. Caryn is just going off on everyone's
dirt. Katie is still pissed. I have a feeling Caryn is going.
Ian votes for Caryn, Caryn votes for Ian. What are the other
And, Caryn, you should have kept your mouth shut. How can
you think you were going to stay? Yes, Caryn you are gone.
Preview for Sunday's finale, not much. I guess we'll just
have to wait and see... I'll be back in 3 days, baby.
Comments - Ep 13:
Squirrel probably won't be providing comments for the rest
of the season.....he's having a desert holiday in Baghdad.
Take care, Squirrel!
-> Linus:
Official Site: Ep13 - Still have to say that CBS is providing
some amazing supplemental stuff to watch online, if you have
a broadband connection that is. Visit and enjoy!
Drama Queens (RNO) - Episode Recap